Sunday, September 20, 2009

My Movie Ideas.

I was hit in the face with the fact that every movie idea ive splurted out has a tragic ending. I shall demonstrate.

Porn star gets aids-She finds love through out the story, but in the end she dies.

Wasting the world-A son and his father hide from a major mob boss. The father dies after the son leaves him, but the mtoher who is related to the mob bos wants to see her son. They eventually find him in russia, and well he realizes he can never escape her grasp, and he cant live with the guilt that he killed his dad. So he kills both his mom the mob boss and himself..

Whale Story-About a guy who is chasing a mythical whale that killed his father, in the end he finds out he was huting the whales offspring during his endevour, and the whales offspring gets killed, and the mommy whale takes her wrath, killing most of the crew and the captain gets rescued. He finds the dead offspring beached on the shore, and realizes he is no better then them after what he did.

Challenging the illusion-They try to battle society and try and get there point across that graffiti needs to coexist, but they get no respect in the end, and have to leave the city in order to stay safe, and everything they did during the movie is diminished shortly after it was done, except one.

World War 3-Although this one is sort of starting on the shit note and it works to the high note of america winning the war and getting back the country, but at the cost of such a dephicite that the entire country will need to reboot.

In the life of a zombie-A long distance motorcrosser with a camera with a nearly endless battery/film life is turned into a zombie. In the end he dies, but some humans get the camera, and they get ambushed by humans.

Changed Subjects-A up and coming glorified delivery boy gets in an accident with a student, the student sues him and it ruins his life. In the end the student dies from a tumor and the Delivery guy goes to the funeral to officially apoligize since he never reallly did it, even though the student helped him after the delivery boy tried to kill himself because he lsot everything. And the student helped him atleast get a job and get his girlfriend back..

The lost island-Its about some mythical race of people who live on some secluded island, and this one young man thinks he seen an island so he tries to get to the island. No one is aloud to touch the ocean, and he does, and he manages to get to the island only to die moments before getting there in a sea storm. His story is told throughout the tribe on the island to scare there world into thinknig the ocean is terrible. They died off 4000 years later from disease and famine.

Solomn History-A sadistic man finds his wife cheating on a gay guy(Its a misconception, he was just aploligizing for a past incident.) In the end the sadistic man is charge with vehiclular homicide after finding out that the man he was chasing was getting married to a gay man and was merely telling the sadistic mans wife that he was doing so. He feels guilt, but he cant do much aboot it now.

Rahz-Its kind of like a LOTR story about this city in a deep valley that holds the vault that is magicly sealed, behind the vault sits a massive army of dark creatures that were conjured by a past sorcerer, but he was defeated by a group of heros who had to sacrifice themselves in order to protect the sorcerer and the army from reaching the earth again. But when a new army led by a total asshat crushes the city that protects the vault and it releases the contents of the vault, the deal was that the heros sacrificed there power into the vault, they were technically frozen with those dark demons, so if the vault were ever to be broken then they could battle the demons back to the vault and lock it. The heros are unfrozen, but in the end they sacrifice themselves again to lock up the demons.

Alien Invasion-A group of survivors from an alien attack end up trying to escape the planet in an alien aircraft only to be taken over by the mtoher ship, the humans manage to kill themselves, aswell as the mtohership in the end.

A tale of Two islands-5 bounty hunters have to get a wealthy business man from a utopian city, but the only way for them tog et there is byway of the islands twin, which is the shithole/garbage dump/crime filled ghetto of the other island. In the end the 5 bounty hunters end up not getting the man and they get kicked out of the shit city for causing a rukus. But they all worked together to get to this end result, since they were all competitors.

The liqour clerk-A liqour clerk gets fed up with getting robbed so he holds up a couple of hoodlums who were trying to rob him. In the end he gets arrested and trialed for homicide after he killed one of the people he held up.

White streets-A arogant cop gets his wife kkidnapped, he gets sent on a wild goose chase into the drug underworld to take down the man who he thinks kidnapped his wife, in the end he is told that he took down the wrong person, the person who actually kidnapped his wife was the person who told him it was the person he killed. Who was competition for the drug trade in the city. In the end his wife and kid is dead, and he demands to take wrath upon the citys underworld for what they took from him.

Wolves-A family ends up in a parallel universe where thye are hunted by wolves. They need to exits through a protal by the end of the last night, but while doing it the father looses his wife and his son. And a different story about someone who lsot there family 20 years ago and sitll believes there husband lived in the parallel un iverse is happening. The new family is helped by the man who lived in that universe for 20 years, in the end he sacrifices himself in order for them to get out of the portal. The father has lsot his daught and wife, so its also a tragidy for him.

Jesus that took awhile, if anyone reads this then thanks, give feedback, although these don't reveal alot of plot.

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