Monday, September 21, 2009

Failed post 2

Once you die your conscience might not be able to handle it. Your conscience will then create its own universe were you are reborn without knowing anything you previously knew. You will be created into the animal or thing you cared/disliked the most. Say I hate paris hilton, if I was a great person in life then I will become her in my next life, or a new her. And if I was homeless, and I wanted to become a turtle that lives for a century and its my favorite animal, then i will become that.
Personally the thing i hate most is moths, and the thing i love most is well. Im not sure. Those who aren't sure before death don't become anything. or so there conscience would know. They would go into a randomizing bin and an animal/place/planet/human(Race/gender) would be picked at random.
Whatever you were in the past life you might apreciate in the new life. So If i enjoyed foxes, and i was a terrible person. Then id be a fox, and i'd respond well to film students/graffiti artists.
I know this is all rather random and out there, but its my belief. Since I have no reaosn to believe that a heaven exists when i'm unable to witness it for myself. Would be ncie if heaven and hell had a brochures and not jsut a mans word..

This in response to chavas relfection on beliefs.

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