Thursday, September 17, 2009

Life At The Moment.

So ive decided to write down my life at the present time to understand my situitions for the future.
-My roomate last month was this reallly flamboyantly gay french guy. My present roomate is another flamboyantly gay mexican guy. And personally ive had enough with sharing my room with these creepy and incredibly confused individuals.

-I plan to move out at the end of october, the issue is that I have no furniture so i have to find a funrished room that I don't have to share. My expectations are normal, but still rather high. I need wireless internet, a washer/dryer, furnished bedroom(I only really need a bed, it could be sitting on the floor and id be fine.) It needs to be walking distance to school or a skytrain ride to school aslong as the rent and the skytrain month pass doesn't exceed my rather slim budget, and I need the roomate count to be less then 4. And they must be working/students/people who aren't always chillen at home being lazy and not doing anything for anyone, and it mgiht be a bit much to ask that they aren't illegal immigrants.

-My landlord who lives on the sofa in the living room said there might be bed bugs in the living room. This is another factor the already vast list of reasons i need to move out. The thing is I have the biggest fear of bugs for some reason. Last night I had a massive jolt of fear when i felt something against my leg. I freaked out only to realize it was a loose thread from my blanket.

-School has become busier then I thought, so I cannot get a job at this time, and my financial situition will still be a stressful one. I really wished I saved more for school. But I wanted to get out of grande prairie so badly that I overlooked my actual financial situations and just jumped right into school. School was definetly worth attending so far, i'm convinved that I can get somewere in this business. And i'm convinced that this was the right time to do it in my life... My mom told me today that I was going to get money from my dad for child support soon. 150$ a month, which will help alot combined with my moms already 100$ a month. And since she still owes me 150$ for this month I will have the potential to pay off my credit card and put 100$ or so in my bank account.

-I have very few dollars to spend in october, so im going to try my best to be the best penny pincher ever. Barely any fast food, barely any drinking, and barely any useless shit that I really don't need(Like movie rentals, buying video games foor my failing Xbox. Etc). I have enough saved up for food and stuff during the month of october, in november i expect to get a beautiful check from the government which will give me some money to let off my worry for a little while and pay off the rest of my tuition. But I will have to rent on my credit card for october and November(I won't get the cheque right away.) and damage deposit which I will recieve back and can put into a new place. But my mom has commited to helping me with that at all costs. Since she is somewhat responsible for taking care of me still since I personally think i deserve some help with situition since i'm only 18 and living on my own and going to school with barely anything in my name.

-It would be really awesome if i had furniture, if my mom or any family mmembers actually decided to move out lameass saskatchewen and I could contact them for some supplies to get my own one bedroom place where i could rent out the bedroom and i could live in the living room for cheap(Seen a decent amount of places like this for only 500$, that would be 250$ a month!) The only problem about these places is i have shit all, and my family has all this shit they never really use. But if I were to move into a place in lets say, Saskatoon, i'm sure i could get atleast a free sofa from the family. I don't consider this bumming stuff off people, since they aren't using it anyway. I consider this helpful for both of us. Since my mom has a shitload of furniture that is sitting somewere form when we used to lvie in regina. And i find it highly unbelievable that we threw it all out. And i don't really need the bed in my old room back home at the moment anyway. I mean what the fuck, why wasn't moving all my shit here on the original agenda??

-Xbox 360, the piece of shit got the RROD a few months back,, i put some pennies in it..she worked fine up until three days ago. Then she died again. I cleaned everything inside today and now its working again. But for how much longer? Thanks alot you piece of shit xbox, if you die then i will have to watch movies on this laptop and it makes it icnredibly distracting and looses some of the entertainment value.

-I'm still ontop of most of my homework. I managed to write atleast 10 pages of my feature today after cutting a major chunk out of it for revision. The teachers advised to do that in story editing but i thought. "Why should I wait tell then when i already know what needs to be changed." So yea i got that down. I need a new port short idea but I will write some stuff down and magicly create soemthing out of the blue. And my other port short needs a little tweeking then it will be worthy of workshopping. I'm proud of my Sketch for next week, Especially after watching a ton of sketch a couple minutes ago I came to realize that alot of sketch(Even from the funniest of comedians) is really shitty and drawn out. As for what I wrote the other day, its funny from the first line. But we shall see about how it does. Documentary will be sort of a gong show tommorow since my one pager needed to be 2 pages but the teacher never really stated as to what needs to go on both pages, I made it one page simply because all the one pagers i read were of the finished product, i made mine a synopsis of what has yet to happen in the story but simply of what the story is trying to prove. But I have a feeling its not going to be what was specified, but I could care less about documentary, since its not really my cup of tea.

-I got a new comforter for the upcoming winter. Its comfy and warm, so far its proven to be a wise purchase(Only costed 20$!)

-I'm hoping that the 32's show up for our little class mingle tommorow since I would really like to meet some of them outside of school, since at times it seems pedestrian since everyone tends to keep to there own classes. And some of the students look interesting, and i'm always down for networking.

-I started playing WoW again. I find this to be a positive because now i wont go outside as often and spend money on shit I don't need and isntead I will interact with some old friends from back home. Sure WoW is pretty pathetic, but its an icnredible time waster. And you kind of have something to brag about if you play it long enough. You have stories that only another WoWer would understand, and because of this you will have hours of covnersation. Although it will be incredibly nerdy.

-I got a library card today, I found the library's stash of movies and rented some decent names that I will get to cross off my movie lsit in the upcoming week. They include-Back To the future 2, and One flew over the cukus nest. I also got indiana jones and the temple of doom, the boondocks season 1, and Chris farley Best of SNL.

-I'm starting to get mroe familiar with what to cook to stay healthy, although I can feel that I need to improve my health I think i'm starting to get on track with how to fulfill that goal. Infact last week i cooked several actual meals! Plain Burgers(Just how i like them) and boiled vegatables. I have some tacos set up, which I always like to expand into two meals. and I have plenty of other meal ideas in the making. One of which i look forward to making is fried garlic potatoes. The oens granny used to make were epic.

So yea, things I need to sort out-Money stuff(Lottery? Sell my bike maybe?)-Xbox issues(Pray it works?) Housing Issues(Which might not be so difficult after a quick search on craiglist.) and my diet, which will take awhile to get ussed to since ive been living off fast food since i graduated.

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