Friday, September 4, 2009

Constant ideas

I had this idea kicking around since I worked in a grocery store called Saveon Foods. While working in this grocery store I met a guy name charlie who had alot of similiar interests as me. He was a pretty cool guy to bounce movies off of. But one day I realized he had alot of intelligence about the army. I told him he should join the army but he said he was to overweight. And a too lazy. So i came up with this story, as him asthe protagonist. In this story I realized I could legally film the entire thing with nothing but my friends as cast members as me as a director/writer. The only thing we would need is some simple equipment. Here is my synopsis in a nutshell.

Charlie is a 23 year old going no were with life. He works in a grocery store and his father is forcing him to join the army. But he has a indifference about the army, and his father altogether. But he has been wondering through life with no goals up until this night that changes it all.

Charlie is working with his best friend Evan who is a womanizer. Evan tells him about a party at Shauns house tonight and he should go. And that he should ask out Jennifer to a rela date. So charlie does ask Jennifer out to a supper and movie, Jennifer is excited, they plan to go at 8. Well Charlie gets home to find out that his father has found out thar he hasn't even submited his application into the army. His father threatens to kick him out by the end of the week unless he applies. Charlie says he will think about it. His father gets pissed and forces him on the laptop to do it, Charlie gets pissed off and leaves on foot. He walks along the train tracks when Ken coems out and tells him to fuck off, Ken being a friend of his who does graffiti on the trian is chilling on a hill so Charlie goes and hangs with him. Charlie explains his situition, Ken replies with some philosophical message about His own mentality on the world, which is pretty laid back and care free. Ken is drinking a bit and decided to go down to the train tracks to paint a train when he slips and smashes his hand on a glass bottle. Charlie rushes him to the hopsital for stiches in Kens truck. After the operation Charlie looks at his watch to see its 9:30 and realizes he missed the date with Jennifer, He freaks out and steals Kens truck and forces him to walk back to the tracks were he will meet him later, the tracks are 4 kilometers away(What a dick..) Charlie goes to the theatre to see that Jennifer isn't there. He goes to her house and she rips on him for being pathetic and a lonely loser. He Tries to defend himself, But jennifer shuts the door on him. Charlie goes back to the track to see Evan and Ken sitting by the tracks. Charlie apoligizes for stealing his car, he says he was dumped with a girl he wasnt even dating, shit sucked. Ken forgives him, says they should head off to Shauns house for that party. Maybe jennifer will be there. Before they leave Ken runs into the trian yard as a new line is being pulled in and manages to get Evan and cahrlie involved while they paint the train. Unfortunatly they get rolled on by some motorcross bikers but Ken starts liping them off. They begin to leave when Charlie pushes the lippyness to far and the Bikers get offended and go back and try to fight Charlie. Ken defends him but he gets punched out. Then lights come on and they all ditch the train yard. They all get away to a long bridge that is close to Shauns house. They discuss how some guy they went to high school with jumped off the bridge because he wasn't getting anywere with life. They discuss how next year Ken is moving out to go to school in south eastern canada. Evan is going to take a masters degree in chemistry in the fall in edmonton. Yet charlie wiill continue with the confused life he has. Evan and Ken tell him not to jump off a bridge now. They get to the party to find the place packed. Evan is hittin on some chicks while at the party, Ken is sittin with some people drinknig and telling stories, and Charlie is talking to shaun about fall, which Shaun willl be moving out to edmonton and then start touring. Charlie says he will be doing very little in the fall. Charlie begins to drink more and more, getting more and more subtly drunk until Jennifer shows up at the party, Charlie tries to hit on her, she trys to elave, Ken trys to stop him along with evan. Charlie gets pissed and finally vents his built up anger about the his entire life on both Ken and Evan. They are both trying to restrain him, but Evan gets a broken nose, and Ken gets hit into a table and breaks it. Shaun tries to restrain Charlie, but he gets pissed and leaves. Jennifer leaves, disappointed in Charlie. Charlie walks back tot he bridge, the sun is rising. He has some bruises and is starting to throw up on the bridge. puking over the top of it. He Trys to climb over the railing of the bridgeto kill himself, but he chickens out. And gets another phone call from his dad(He recieved several phone calls from him during the night.) This Phone call is in retalition to a phone call he recieved from his dad during the party were he just fucking ripped on his dad for forcing him into the army. His dad now tells him to move out. Charlie gets pissed and decided to walk to his house. He shows up and then he fucking blows his anger out on him. Breaking shit, and he ends up kicking his dad in the balls. Charlie then takes his laptop and leaves towards to Evans house to apoligize. He finds Evan and Ken looking over the train yard together talking about there hopsital visit, Evan has a broken nose. Charlie apoligizes, to both of them. They understand as he had to vent his anger somehow, although his method was questionable. Charlie then tells them he is going to leave town, place hasnt brought anything of interest. Ken says he mgiht aswell leave, he has workers comp. Aparently he works as a security guard for the train yard, everyone is shocked. Evan says he is quiting the grocery store since he will be at school in a month and his nose is broken. Charlie thanks them, they leave, Charlie calls in to work saying he quits. He also phones jen, a phone call says he will see her again someday. And he is sorry for being a pussy and such.

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