Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Vague/shitty Movie ideas.

A former mililtary worker takes his family on there first family vacation in 12 years. They end up taking a cursed road on a red fulll moon and end up in a paralel universe were they get hunted by Werewolves. But in the real world an old lady living in the woods for the last 20 years helps a police force try and figure out how to save this family. Negligent at first due to the absurdity of the situition they go for it after hearing that the old lady escaped the portal before the end of the red full moon in the alternate universe. But her husband was unable to escape and sacrificed himself in order to escape. When the family entered the other realm they crashed there vehicle and the fathers leg was crushed. But shortly after his daughter dies he goes hostel on these mutherfuckers with a shotgun and a sniperrifle. He eventually gets saved by the man who has survived for the last 20 years in the alternate universe. They team up to try and get out of the universe before thye have to stay there tell the next moon. The portal opens but the leader of the wolves and the survivor have epic battle. Father begins to escape with his wife and his youngest daughter(He had 3 kids, two of em died, along with one of there GF's) They try and take the survivor with them, but he sacrifices himself in order to kill the leader and destroying the portal along with it. Husband and family escapes, and ionno.

13 year olds parents win the lottery but die sghortly after..all the money goes to the son. The son buys a missile silo, shortly after buying it a real estate agent finds it, realizes that the land has alot of potential for surbuan landscape and trys to offer to buy it off the kid. Kid disagrees, and declares war on this guy. Kid gets army together by hiring military acedemy folks..buying antiwue military equipment, and attempting to esperate fromt he united states..after he gets denied and the neighboring cities mayor gets suspiciouc of all the kdis military buildup..when the mayor aproaches the kid the kid gets uber hitler pissed and throws him out of the fortess..The mayor warns the forces after a building blows up in the city and the kid is suspected..so the military march on the quatres..defeat kid after he realizes his military equipment doesnt work...

In a town built in the bottom of a deep valley lays a massive vault that seals off the ultimate army created over 8000 years ago by a sorcerer woh was defeated by 4 brave heros. But in order for the heros to kill the sorcerer they had to freeze themselves along with the sorcerer in the vault. But a follower of the sorcerer has conjured a group of explosive demolitionists and thye destroy part of the valley above the city protecting this Vault. 4 old sages filter there powers to protect the vault from being destroyed. But when the valley fell onto the cithy they were killed, but only a portion of the vault could be open, and the 4 heros got out and started fuckin up this guys army. But also this bad dude has an rogue assasin chasing after him after the baddy ditched paying him a bounty. Unfortuantly on there way to try and kill the baddy the 4 heros forgot about the vault and the demolitionists destroy it and unleash hell on the city.. And unleashing the sorcerer..The sorcere fucks shit up..killing one of the heros..The king of the city demands that they imprison the sorcerer before they get released onto the rest of the world..They try to do so..but the baddy who released them has a device that keeps the sorcerer mafic proof or some shit. But the assasin ends up killing the baddy..and the sorcerer and the 3 imprison the crew again.

I wrote these on some forum filled with a bunch of retards. But I find it helps me write these vague synopsises. I didn't bother to correct the terrible grammar, or fix things up. But I could care less because as lnog its written down somewere thne maybe some day i could refer back to this blog to fix up or expand on these ideas.

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