Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Failed post.

I worked long and hard(7 minutes) writing this up on 4chan only to get the fucking, "Field to long" message. I didn't want to find the thread so i dedcided to throw what i wrote on here.

Age:18(19 soon)
Hair style:Whatever keeps it out of my eyes, I need a haircut soon
Hair color:Brunette
Eye color:Blue
Sexual orientation:Im a guy, I enjoy woman....Hetero
Do you have a BF/GF?:Naw
Are you a virgin?:Saving it for marriage...
What do you look for in a partner?:Someone i can talk to for long periods of time, share laughs with, and do anything with them.
Clothing style:I wear band shirts, Skate shit, although i dont skate. And im getting into designing my own shirts.
Shoes:Ripped up pieces of shit.
Personality:I'm pretty laid back, I'm a self proclaimed rebel but i suck at that... I can get along with anyone who is into my interests.Things you like about yourself:I'm a up and coming screen writer. According to my peers I'm fairly gifted with the art of story creation. Just gotta work out those grammar kinks.
Things you dislike about yourself:I have way to much hair on my body. I'm going broke. Im a virgin with no current oppurtunities to better that problem due to my incredibly shy nature when it come to meeting people, and the fact that i'm picky on who i lend my heart to.
Favorite Movie:Its a tie between alot of things. I'd have to go with Detroit rock city. Ive seen it so many times and everytime i watch it i love it even more.
Favorite TV show:South park, Spongebob, I'm starting to get inot entourage.
Favorite Music:Hardcore/Post-hardcore(Generally anything rock with a steady fast pace.) some techno, and the occasional storytelling rap artist.
Favorite Food:Pizza, I live off freshslice
Hobbies/Interests:Movies, Graffiti, Exploring, Biking, I used to enjoy swimming but i don't have alot of friends who swim:(
College attended/attending:VFS, Writing Department.
Job:Don't have one.
And finally,How do you feel about your life right now? Have you enjoyed your life so far? Do you look forward to the future? How do you hope your life will turn out?
I'm enjoying my life in vancouver. Although i have given up my biggest love/hobby(Graffiti) while living here in order to evade getting arrested and getting kicked out of school. Besides that my friends here are great, Only need a woman and i'll be set. My high school days annoyed me. I didn't go out much due the fact that I hated all the cultureless rednecks that surrounded me. In my future i hope to get somewere with film writing. Which in this day and age it seems essential since every second film is either a recreation or a remake. The OC is missing from film. And i think i can help.

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