Thursday, July 2, 2009

Canadia day

I'm not gonna lie, I'm not a very noble canadian. I could have cared less if i missed the meh worthy fireworks down at canada place. I think this is because Canada has treated me like shit over the years. Most likely its the harsh winters of northern alberta, or the dullness of saskatchewen, or the Cosmopolitian like manner of my hood. But maybe i'm jsut being prejudice, I enjoy canada to a degree to commit my lfie to living here, i guess that means enough to show that I an a patriotic canadian, even if i don't paint flags all over my body and sport a shirt with a duck on it.

On another note, i have a new roomate, Ive had 4 different people share the room with me over my 2 month stay at this apartment. Two of those people moved to eastern canada, and the other two still live here, but in different rooms. But the thing about this roomate is he has switched teams over the course of life. I dont quite knbow why, but this will definetly give some insight into my bleak understanding of homosexuals. Although it is akward as fuck to share my room with a gya man, it also a cultural opening, broadening my perspective on the human psyche. Which will definetly help in the long run, because every writer has to live threw some screwed up shit to become a famous writer.

Also, tonight i was riding my bike around, dodging traffic, outrunning traffic, and well...Having a good time! Although neither Julia and Malte(Friends from the ol school house, Both of which i watched the fireworks with.) Dont ride bikes. But that was no problem for me. But on another note i realized alot of the woman in this city that do ride bikes instead of public transportation are rather eye catching for me. Maybe its the already known shared interest, or the fact that they're always fit and classy. Maybe thats what i need in this lifestyle, some kind of Bike ridin, stylish, classy young lady, to show me something I have yet to fully experienced. The more I think about it the more I enjoy the idea of finding someone prefers to pedal. I will have to look more in to that as life progresses.

Time for some sleep, then i must rehearse my three movie pitches for tommorow. Loglines include:
A once trampy woman who recieved a deadly illness for her distasteful lifestyle finds the one form of love she never knew from a young geeky man who helps reform her, But the tragedy is that she will undoubtedly die as a terrible person in his eyes.

A russian immigrant in the 1970's trys to evade immigration and prejudice while searching for his calling, which he finds in drilling and a gorgeous canadian.

Two low time vandals inadvertedly create a cult following for destroying Various nightlife estabilishments, but threw this they atract the wrong kind of attention and both are put in to danger for their actions.

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