Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Writing today

I finished off my second tv spec script for SpongeBob. I had little intent on making it awesome, but the ending came naturally and I think its a pretty funny little story. The first one I worked on for maybe 4 hours. This one took around the same time accumulated, altthough the first I did in one sitting. this one took 3. They still need alot of workshopping with someone who is actually familiar with the show.

But on a different note i dusted off an old short story thta I had once planned to make into a 20 page short story. Its an alien invasion story with a deep theme about belonging. I started the outline today, and i heavily changed it form the original story which i only finished 5 pages of almost a year ago. But I have high hopes for this since it seems to be a fresh idea that ive never seen personally. Although it's starting to look like what "The Road"(Ive yet to read the book) might look like. But this is alot more about getting back at the aliens, as the road was simply surviving, and had no relations with aliens.

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