Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Writing about Graffiti

I have a movie treatment due monday, and frankly I'm not even done the beatsheet for it. I know the story, and vaguely how it ends. But I need set pieces for it that involving graffiti, and hatred against generally anything. I thought this was going to be simple. But its GODLY difficult to be original and have these tasks of vandalism make sense and adapt to the plot. So i tried to get assistance from some website called...well its called 4chan. I frequent /r9k/ which is sort of like an advice/would you do, type of forum. Thinking this would be a good place for some socialites to express how thye feel about the world, and about BANKSY artwork(The movie is kind of like banksy, meets fight club....) K, lets rreact this situition...

Hi RobotsI'm currently writing a screenplay and i need some set pieces. The synopsis is:Two psuedo anonymous graffiti artists discover they have a cult following, the two artists decide to train and use the cult following to lash out at everything that is wrong with the world, they dot his through acts of graffiti and such...But anyways, i'm coming to ask you robots for ideas on what i could use to achieve some great visuals and some strong plot points. I have some set pieces:The two break into a mall, one of them cuts the ears off of the mickey that makes up the doorway to the disney store, he sculpts it to look like devil horns. The other breaks into a mcdonalds and exchanges the paper bags with customly made bags that feature animals being tortured and eaten by families while company fat cats dance around them.Another few is the group gather up homeless people and let them loose in an upstate suburban nieghborhood, the homeless cause constant BnE's. They also wheatpaste roller several anarchist cook book recipes around the city(Ideas??)The movie im seeing is what Fight Club, Banksy, And a real underground graffiti movie would look like if they were to ever combo.

Never come to 4chan looking for support for your shitty, shitty ideas.Seriously, your synopsis is like "Middle-Class White Angst: The Movie".

Hey guys I'm edgy right, I have these really cool anti-establishment ideas that are really original and stuff omg.

THERE IS NO CONFLICT. IT'S JUST A BUNCH OF PEOPLE TRYING TO BE COOL BY MAKING A SUBCULTURE.This is Fight Club without the plot twist that made it interesting. Fail more.

4chan: we will always find a way to ignore what you want and make you feel bad instead.cheer up OP, your movie is still better than 80% of the crap showing in cinemas right now.

You need to flesh it out with the following:1) A romance angle - sorry, but it has to be done.2) A crux. I'm thinking that they become obsessed with the popularity and get mentioned on FOX news.3) I call this the 'peter parker problem' - they have to continue this cult without their families finding out.4) There's a major falling out between the protagonists.5) They plot to pull the biggest graffiti prank in history.6) The film ends as they are both arrested.Forget any Fight Club notions; you original concept is great and really jumped out. But instead of being edgy or clever, just take a good, simple idea and tell it well.

The last one i responded with this...

fuck..i have all this.. IM TRYING TO FIND OUT SET PIECES NOT PLOT POINTS!Not if the movie is sellable, not its target audience. I have a 4 page beatsheet with the storyline, but i have these "Random acts of graffiti" that need to be fleshed out. And they aren't teenagers..There both 26, thye run a logo and shirt design company...Im not gonna go on with the entire story because thats not what I need help with.

The only response i got that answered my fucking question was this..

I'm as made as hell and i'm not going to take it anymore! Written in big black bold letters on a bunch of high society shopping places..

Fuck the internet. Im going to go for a massive walk throughout downtown on the weekend, and write down everything i hate about society.

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