Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Movie idea

White Streets-Crime/Thriller
Detective Rick Solely just busted a major drug operation at the docks. While detaining some of the smugglers he is informed that “John L,” Is going to be after Solely. Solely thinks nothing of it. He goes home to his wife and his 7-year-old kid, they have a very strong connection and Rick wants the best for them. Rick’s wife Samantha is a kindergarten teacher and his daughter is in the class. The next day Rick goes to work and is informed that his bust last night adds another notch on his spree of drug busts and gang infiltration. He is still notorious for being ruthless to criminals of all kinds. When he gets off he hears a call about a Kidnapping/murder in a park downtown during the day. He later sees on the TV that it was a little girl from his Wife’s class, he then hears that the body found had a message directly to Rick, he also hears that that his wife and kid has been kidnapped. He then hurries to the scene of the incident were he is met by the body of the little kid with the message on it. While grieving from the ordeal he gets a phone call from an unknown number telling him to meet at a pub downtown for info on the whereabouts of his wife and kid. He gets amped for warfare and stocks up on weaponry and pulls out his classic Barracuda muscle car and jets off to the pub. He then meets a man at the pub that goes by Brad, This informant tells Rick that he knows who kidnaps his wife and kids, and he knows how to get them back. Rick reacts offensively and threatens him with a gun, saying that brad is a liar and has no reason to trust him. Then Brad tells him that John L has kidnapped his wife and kids for disrupting the drug operations that he holds. Brad tells him he’s on the other side of the city, but he wouldn’t be able to get into the area without someone who has some kind of ties, Brad then wishes him good luck, and he wants the filth that John L has caused to the streets to be ridden of, he also tells Rick not to tell anyone were he got this info. Rick’s reputation is infamously known by all of the underground gangs because he’s popular with making deals with low level members to get info. So Rick goes to a prison and asks an old friend, Devon Ripper, who he used to work with but betrayed him in order to arrest him and raise his own reputation. Devon informs him that he needs to get to John L, and Rick offers him a clean swipe of his record and a massive amount of cash in order to help him. Devon denies it, telling him that he wants his dignity back, and he wants to be legitimately informed as a cop. Rick is caught off guard by this request since Devon is a past drug addict and a criminal doing 10 years. Rick accepts. At first Rick and Devon don’t get along, they argue over the state of the city while they prepare and plan to get into John L’s fortress. But while they plan out a way for them to lure John L out and get the info they need Rick finds out that Devon is very smart and has a very clever way of working. And threw this Rick starts to see that he himself has been quite one dimensional, working for the fame of being well respected and feared threw out the streets. But he’s been merciless to such people like Devon. So there plan is that Devon will go in and try and make a deal to supply John L with a drug shipment and to make a meeting point to pick up the product, but John L would have to pick it up himself and test it. Rick watches over him with a sniper scope as they attempt the plan, unfortunately Devon’s plan fails when John L looks right threw him, When John L makes Devon admit who he is working for Rick takes a shot that blows up a small shack, Devon makes a run for it and John L and some of his gang members follow him out of the fortress. When John L and his men corner Devon, Rick reveals himself. John L is pleased that he shows his face. John expected his arrival but seems oblivious about Rick’s wife and kid’s whereabouts. After a brief conversation John L gets fed up with Rick and tries to kill him, Rick and Devon both try and escape but John L is out for blood. So him and his gang chase after Rick and Devon on the highway. Rick’s car out manoeuvres John Ls goons and causes 2 of the 3 of them to crash. Rick and Devon get away, Convinced that John L was lying about knowing were Rick’s family is he conspires another plan to phone him and offers himself a hostage to John L in exchange for his family. John L goes along with it and accepts. Devon is convinced that it’s the wrong thing to do and there is other ways to go about finding his family. But Rick is dead set on finding and rescuing his family. Rick demands that John and him meet in a parking garage downtown. While at the parking garage Rick Attempts to persuade John L to trade his own life for his families. When John L hears this he thinks Rick has gone crazy. So he plans to kidnap him in order to find out were his drugs have been going. But when he tries to kidnap Rick, Devon comes to save him and kills all of his goons. But John L takes Rick into a van and starts driving to the roof. Rick keeps asking for his family up until John L freaks out at Rick telling him he doesn’t know were they are. Then Rick believes him and starts to fight him while John drives, John steers heavily to one side and tips the van and causes it to veer into the path of the edge of the parking garage. Rick quickly jumps out of the window while the van is flipping right before it falls off the edge. He jumps into the parking garage level below the one the van jumped off. The van flies across the street and lands at the bottom of a thin skyscraper and the van blows up on impact. Devon comes to the aid of Rick who is overlooking the crash from were he landed. Then the building across the street begins to teeter and the structure at the bottom begins to fail and the building starts falling towards the parking garage. Both Devon and Rick run to the edge of the parking garage and jump three stories down onto the roof of Rick’s car and speed off in perfect time to escape the destruction. The next day his Captain informs Rick that he busted one of the biggest gangs in the city. And luckily the building destroyed was still under construction and was unoccupied along with the parking garage. But what puzzled Rick is the fact that his family was still not found and John L clearly was not responsible for his families kidnapping. Then Rick mentions the person who gave him the info about John L and it turns out that the guy was an up and coming former henchman for John L. He is also told that this man has killed his family, While at the funeral Devon and Rick swear an oath to find the killer and to stop the never ending crime within the city. Devon agrees but admits that he will have to remain in the gang culture to keep a truthful and deceptive operation to stop Brad and eventually all crime within the city. The end

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