Saturday, July 18, 2009

Last Night

Last night FRIDAY THE 17TH was probably the most random set of events to follow one another in one night. Here is how it went.

after school i decided to take advantage of the nice sunny day and go on a biking trip by mself(Because i'm a lonely loser). I went on the skytrain and ended up in royal oak, which is in burnaby. The nice thing about this bike ride is that its a rather long trek through suburban vancouver Soemthing that I have yet to fully see. And the fun part is its all downhill towards home(Downtown). So half way back home i stopped for a minor break and i texted Malte to see whats going down tonight, he tells me that everyone is at Malones. So i headed towards there. For about 10 kilometers it only took 20 minutes. So props to that.

So i get there, lock my bike to a tree, and get drinkin! After a few i started texting this girl i recently met through a friend and was supposed to meet for the first time that day. But she ditched and such. So i asked her a bunch of drunken text questions, and she answered truthfully. Oddly i thought it would destroy such a friendship but naw, she turned out to be cool with it. The next morning when i came to realize what i wrote I was rather amazed that she would ever even talk to me. But anyways the writing team started to disperse from Malones. As the night came near i also needed to get back home before my bike gets jacked(Reference to the next part.) I drove drunk back home. Which was fucking intense! I was dodgin traffic going incredibly faster then normal and I was all over the place in a good way!

So i get back home. i drink two more beers and i get this idea. So i gathereda shitload of paint and biked down to the main street skytrain station. It took awhile but i managed to lock my bike, and both tires up to my Ubar lock in a rather sketchy part of town. I took the skytrain down to the pristine SRY freight train yard in new west minister. This train yard is famous for its decent amount of paintable freights...but the bad part is the stupid thorn bushes! And i was wearing shorts! Well i painted two autoracks(Traincars that carry cars..) and then i got back on the skytrain back to downtown to hopefully see my bike again. I was seated behind these two decent looking girls who i could vaguelly hear listening to Moneen. I was going to get into conversation with them, but i was too much of a pussy and it seemed creepy at the time.

So i get back to main street, and to my surpise...The bike is still there! woot FTW! So im all happy and jolly, and i go to the downtown freight yard to paint this gorgeous CSX Boxcar sitting in this vacant yard. I don't think many people go to this yard due to the fact that they think its prolly heavily guarded, but it was just as peaceful as Grande prairie. But i should keep to consideration that i was still drunk at the time. So i did a piece on that. The bike home was extremely tiring, i stopped atleast 4 times. But i got home, slept, then woke up to see that my leg wounds from the thorn bushes bled out all over my bedsheets and all the trains left the spots before i could flick them. But god damn, i love those type of nights(Except for the texting nonsense.)

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