Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Video games

I will admit i'm an avid gamer. I go through alot of phases of constant video game playing. Here is a timeline.

1998-I was really in to the first tony hawk and the original Need For Speed games. Also sim city and an old school game called Interstate 76(I'm thinking of writing a movie storyline for this game because its subject mattter is so badass..)

2000-We recieved a dreamcast. I played sonic 2 and crazy taxi religiously. I dearly miss sonic 2:( Was such an amazing game. I also played cruisin the usa(The n64 arcade racing game?) a fuckload.

2003-Brother bought an xbox. Meanwhile i started palying Diablo 2 due to pear pressure. I'd always play Amazons and sorcerers because of the funn thta could be had with ice attacks. I also played a fusion frenzy demo alot..It was mostly this one mini game were you had to avoid certain objects while running up corkscrew, but the corkscrew span faster and if you hit the objects then you would be brought down the corkscrew and if you fell into the water below then you were fucked. It was such an addicting mini game. I also recieved a gamecube and became addicted to Mariokart(Although i never owned it:( )I also played the original zelda games a fuckload when thye had them all on one disk thta came with the gamecube. I also beat Need for speed udnerground atleast 4 times. I bought it recently but it doesn't work on the Xbox 360:(

2005-I got more into computer games when i moved away from Regina. I played Sim city 4 wayy to much. I also played: Age of empire, rollercoaster tycoon, and the sims, Also I discovered the awesomenessity of GTA. I have spent atleast 200 hours fucking around with no itnent on progression in both vice city and San andreas.(I recently downloaded san an for my xbox 360 to rekindle my amazement with the game)

2007-I started playing World of Warcraft due to pear pressure. I gave up after the first 3 months thne got back into it once the expac was released. I have an 80 hunter and a 70 dk and a stupid amount of alts thta never made it past 35. I have collectively amounted 55 days of playing time with all my characters(45 on my main..fucking grand prairie and its long boring winters.) I also bought an Xbox 360 to play halo 3. But i quickly grew out of it due to live connection issues.

2008-I bought GTA 4 the day it came out and played it non stop tell I got to the second island. But I have yet to do a single mission since reaching it. I also got back into Sim city 4 due to my fascination with maps(I'm a nerd..) I also had a really bad addiction to nhl 2008. I won the cup 2 years in a row with Boston. I'm currently trying it again. My team got to the finals last year after being 2 points form not making the playoffs..I had zero dynasty players(Best player was marc savard woh had like..80 points in the regular season.) I made alot of changes this season(Added steve sullivun(Sp?), Mike comrie, Andre mesjaroz(Fucking names..), Jose theodore,Niklas Backstrom, and todd bertuzzi to replace the retired glen murray.)Oddly this season I'm currently 25/3/0. I simulate every game because playing it gets boring after awhile. But i manage the lines and the practices schedules in order to assure the best possible outcomes for gameplay.


  1. Crazy Taxi for Dreamcast is one of the most addicting games I've ever played... I don't wanna know how many hours of fun I had with it back in the day...

    You don't like the Resident Evil series?!?


  2. I played the 4th one a bit at a friends house one night. Thats about as far as ive gotten into it.
