Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Vague/shitty Movie ideas.

A former mililtary worker takes his family on there first family vacation in 12 years. They end up taking a cursed road on a red fulll moon and end up in a paralel universe were they get hunted by Werewolves. But in the real world an old lady living in the woods for the last 20 years helps a police force try and figure out how to save this family. Negligent at first due to the absurdity of the situition they go for it after hearing that the old lady escaped the portal before the end of the red full moon in the alternate universe. But her husband was unable to escape and sacrificed himself in order to escape. When the family entered the other realm they crashed there vehicle and the fathers leg was crushed. But shortly after his daughter dies he goes hostel on these mutherfuckers with a shotgun and a sniperrifle. He eventually gets saved by the man who has survived for the last 20 years in the alternate universe. They team up to try and get out of the universe before thye have to stay there tell the next moon. The portal opens but the leader of the wolves and the survivor have epic battle. Father begins to escape with his wife and his youngest daughter(He had 3 kids, two of em died, along with one of there GF's) They try and take the survivor with them, but he sacrifices himself in order to kill the leader and destroying the portal along with it. Husband and family escapes, and ionno.

13 year olds parents win the lottery but die sghortly after..all the money goes to the son. The son buys a missile silo, shortly after buying it a real estate agent finds it, realizes that the land has alot of potential for surbuan landscape and trys to offer to buy it off the kid. Kid disagrees, and declares war on this guy. Kid gets army together by hiring military acedemy folks..buying antiwue military equipment, and attempting to esperate fromt he united states..after he gets denied and the neighboring cities mayor gets suspiciouc of all the kdis military buildup..when the mayor aproaches the kid the kid gets uber hitler pissed and throws him out of the fortess..The mayor warns the forces after a building blows up in the city and the kid is suspected..so the military march on the quatres..defeat kid after he realizes his military equipment doesnt work...

In a town built in the bottom of a deep valley lays a massive vault that seals off the ultimate army created over 8000 years ago by a sorcerer woh was defeated by 4 brave heros. But in order for the heros to kill the sorcerer they had to freeze themselves along with the sorcerer in the vault. But a follower of the sorcerer has conjured a group of explosive demolitionists and thye destroy part of the valley above the city protecting this Vault. 4 old sages filter there powers to protect the vault from being destroyed. But when the valley fell onto the cithy they were killed, but only a portion of the vault could be open, and the 4 heros got out and started fuckin up this guys army. But also this bad dude has an rogue assasin chasing after him after the baddy ditched paying him a bounty. Unfortuantly on there way to try and kill the baddy the 4 heros forgot about the vault and the demolitionists destroy it and unleash hell on the city.. And unleashing the sorcerer..The sorcere fucks shit up..killing one of the heros..The king of the city demands that they imprison the sorcerer before they get released onto the rest of the world..They try to do so..but the baddy who released them has a device that keeps the sorcerer mafic proof or some shit. But the assasin ends up killing the baddy..and the sorcerer and the 3 imprison the crew again.

I wrote these on some forum filled with a bunch of retards. But I find it helps me write these vague synopsises. I didn't bother to correct the terrible grammar, or fix things up. But I could care less because as lnog its written down somewere thne maybe some day i could refer back to this blog to fix up or expand on these ideas.

Failed post.

I worked long and hard(7 minutes) writing this up on 4chan only to get the fucking, "Field to long" message. I didn't want to find the thread so i dedcided to throw what i wrote on here.

Age:18(19 soon)
Hair style:Whatever keeps it out of my eyes, I need a haircut soon
Hair color:Brunette
Eye color:Blue
Sexual orientation:Im a guy, I enjoy woman....Hetero
Do you have a BF/GF?:Naw
Are you a virgin?:Saving it for marriage...
What do you look for in a partner?:Someone i can talk to for long periods of time, share laughs with, and do anything with them.
Clothing style:I wear band shirts, Skate shit, although i dont skate. And im getting into designing my own shirts.
Shoes:Ripped up pieces of shit.
Personality:I'm pretty laid back, I'm a self proclaimed rebel but i suck at that... I can get along with anyone who is into my interests.Things you like about yourself:I'm a up and coming screen writer. According to my peers I'm fairly gifted with the art of story creation. Just gotta work out those grammar kinks.
Things you dislike about yourself:I have way to much hair on my body. I'm going broke. Im a virgin with no current oppurtunities to better that problem due to my incredibly shy nature when it come to meeting people, and the fact that i'm picky on who i lend my heart to.
Favorite Movie:Its a tie between alot of things. I'd have to go with Detroit rock city. Ive seen it so many times and everytime i watch it i love it even more.
Favorite TV show:South park, Spongebob, I'm starting to get inot entourage.
Favorite Music:Hardcore/Post-hardcore(Generally anything rock with a steady fast pace.) some techno, and the occasional storytelling rap artist.
Favorite Food:Pizza, I live off freshslice
Hobbies/Interests:Movies, Graffiti, Exploring, Biking, I used to enjoy swimming but i don't have alot of friends who swim:(
College attended/attending:VFS, Writing Department.
Job:Don't have one.
And finally,How do you feel about your life right now? Have you enjoyed your life so far? Do you look forward to the future? How do you hope your life will turn out?
I'm enjoying my life in vancouver. Although i have given up my biggest love/hobby(Graffiti) while living here in order to evade getting arrested and getting kicked out of school. Besides that my friends here are great, Only need a woman and i'll be set. My high school days annoyed me. I didn't go out much due the fact that I hated all the cultureless rednecks that surrounded me. In my future i hope to get somewere with film writing. Which in this day and age it seems essential since every second film is either a recreation or a remake. The OC is missing from film. And i think i can help.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Writing about Graffiti

I have a movie treatment due monday, and frankly I'm not even done the beatsheet for it. I know the story, and vaguely how it ends. But I need set pieces for it that involving graffiti, and hatred against generally anything. I thought this was going to be simple. But its GODLY difficult to be original and have these tasks of vandalism make sense and adapt to the plot. So i tried to get assistance from some website called...well its called 4chan. I frequent /r9k/ which is sort of like an advice/would you do, type of forum. Thinking this would be a good place for some socialites to express how thye feel about the world, and about BANKSY artwork(The movie is kind of like banksy, meets fight club....) K, lets rreact this situition...

Hi RobotsI'm currently writing a screenplay and i need some set pieces. The synopsis is:Two psuedo anonymous graffiti artists discover they have a cult following, the two artists decide to train and use the cult following to lash out at everything that is wrong with the world, they dot his through acts of graffiti and such...But anyways, i'm coming to ask you robots for ideas on what i could use to achieve some great visuals and some strong plot points. I have some set pieces:The two break into a mall, one of them cuts the ears off of the mickey that makes up the doorway to the disney store, he sculpts it to look like devil horns. The other breaks into a mcdonalds and exchanges the paper bags with customly made bags that feature animals being tortured and eaten by families while company fat cats dance around them.Another few is the group gather up homeless people and let them loose in an upstate suburban nieghborhood, the homeless cause constant BnE's. They also wheatpaste roller several anarchist cook book recipes around the city(Ideas??)The movie im seeing is what Fight Club, Banksy, And a real underground graffiti movie would look like if they were to ever combo.

Never come to 4chan looking for support for your shitty, shitty ideas.Seriously, your synopsis is like "Middle-Class White Angst: The Movie".

Hey guys I'm edgy right, I have these really cool anti-establishment ideas that are really original and stuff omg.

THERE IS NO CONFLICT. IT'S JUST A BUNCH OF PEOPLE TRYING TO BE COOL BY MAKING A SUBCULTURE.This is Fight Club without the plot twist that made it interesting. Fail more.

4chan: we will always find a way to ignore what you want and make you feel bad instead.cheer up OP, your movie is still better than 80% of the crap showing in cinemas right now.

You need to flesh it out with the following:1) A romance angle - sorry, but it has to be done.2) A crux. I'm thinking that they become obsessed with the popularity and get mentioned on FOX news.3) I call this the 'peter parker problem' - they have to continue this cult without their families finding out.4) There's a major falling out between the protagonists.5) They plot to pull the biggest graffiti prank in history.6) The film ends as they are both arrested.Forget any Fight Club notions; you original concept is great and really jumped out. But instead of being edgy or clever, just take a good, simple idea and tell it well.

The last one i responded with this...

fuck..i have all this.. IM TRYING TO FIND OUT SET PIECES NOT PLOT POINTS!Not if the movie is sellable, not its target audience. I have a 4 page beatsheet with the storyline, but i have these "Random acts of graffiti" that need to be fleshed out. And they aren't teenagers..There both 26, thye run a logo and shirt design company...Im not gonna go on with the entire story because thats not what I need help with.

The only response i got that answered my fucking question was this..

I'm as made as hell and i'm not going to take it anymore! Written in big black bold letters on a bunch of high society shopping places..

Fuck the internet. Im going to go for a massive walk throughout downtown on the weekend, and write down everything i hate about society.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Last Night

Last night FRIDAY THE 17TH was probably the most random set of events to follow one another in one night. Here is how it went.

after school i decided to take advantage of the nice sunny day and go on a biking trip by mself(Because i'm a lonely loser). I went on the skytrain and ended up in royal oak, which is in burnaby. The nice thing about this bike ride is that its a rather long trek through suburban vancouver Soemthing that I have yet to fully see. And the fun part is its all downhill towards home(Downtown). So half way back home i stopped for a minor break and i texted Malte to see whats going down tonight, he tells me that everyone is at Malones. So i headed towards there. For about 10 kilometers it only took 20 minutes. So props to that.

So i get there, lock my bike to a tree, and get drinkin! After a few i started texting this girl i recently met through a friend and was supposed to meet for the first time that day. But she ditched and such. So i asked her a bunch of drunken text questions, and she answered truthfully. Oddly i thought it would destroy such a friendship but naw, she turned out to be cool with it. The next morning when i came to realize what i wrote I was rather amazed that she would ever even talk to me. But anyways the writing team started to disperse from Malones. As the night came near i also needed to get back home before my bike gets jacked(Reference to the next part.) I drove drunk back home. Which was fucking intense! I was dodgin traffic going incredibly faster then normal and I was all over the place in a good way!

So i get back home. i drink two more beers and i get this idea. So i gathereda shitload of paint and biked down to the main street skytrain station. It took awhile but i managed to lock my bike, and both tires up to my Ubar lock in a rather sketchy part of town. I took the skytrain down to the pristine SRY freight train yard in new west minister. This train yard is famous for its decent amount of paintable freights...but the bad part is the stupid thorn bushes! And i was wearing shorts! Well i painted two autoracks(Traincars that carry cars..) and then i got back on the skytrain back to downtown to hopefully see my bike again. I was seated behind these two decent looking girls who i could vaguelly hear listening to Moneen. I was going to get into conversation with them, but i was too much of a pussy and it seemed creepy at the time.

So i get back to main street, and to my surpise...The bike is still there! woot FTW! So im all happy and jolly, and i go to the downtown freight yard to paint this gorgeous CSX Boxcar sitting in this vacant yard. I don't think many people go to this yard due to the fact that they think its prolly heavily guarded, but it was just as peaceful as Grande prairie. But i should keep to consideration that i was still drunk at the time. So i did a piece on that. The bike home was extremely tiring, i stopped atleast 4 times. But i got home, slept, then woke up to see that my leg wounds from the thorn bushes bled out all over my bedsheets and all the trains left the spots before i could flick them. But god damn, i love those type of nights(Except for the texting nonsense.)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Internet usage has got me thinking.

I sat on my laptop the entire weekend and managed to do next to nothing in terms of progress in life. So, in order to assure that I can successfully live with out internet I will be gonig without it until next sunday. I will only check my emails in order to not fail at workshopping. I'll post sunday at this exact same time in order to put onto paper as to what i can accomplish in a weeks time without this fucking wasted energy caused by Facebooking and 4chan surfing.

See you in a week blog.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Video games

I will admit i'm an avid gamer. I go through alot of phases of constant video game playing. Here is a timeline.

1998-I was really in to the first tony hawk and the original Need For Speed games. Also sim city and an old school game called Interstate 76(I'm thinking of writing a movie storyline for this game because its subject mattter is so badass..)

2000-We recieved a dreamcast. I played sonic 2 and crazy taxi religiously. I dearly miss sonic 2:( Was such an amazing game. I also played cruisin the usa(The n64 arcade racing game?) a fuckload.

2003-Brother bought an xbox. Meanwhile i started palying Diablo 2 due to pear pressure. I'd always play Amazons and sorcerers because of the funn thta could be had with ice attacks. I also played a fusion frenzy demo alot..It was mostly this one mini game were you had to avoid certain objects while running up corkscrew, but the corkscrew span faster and if you hit the objects then you would be brought down the corkscrew and if you fell into the water below then you were fucked. It was such an addicting mini game. I also recieved a gamecube and became addicted to Mariokart(Although i never owned it:( )I also played the original zelda games a fuckload when thye had them all on one disk thta came with the gamecube. I also beat Need for speed udnerground atleast 4 times. I bought it recently but it doesn't work on the Xbox 360:(

2005-I got more into computer games when i moved away from Regina. I played Sim city 4 wayy to much. I also played: Age of empire, rollercoaster tycoon, and the sims, Also I discovered the awesomenessity of GTA. I have spent atleast 200 hours fucking around with no itnent on progression in both vice city and San andreas.(I recently downloaded san an for my xbox 360 to rekindle my amazement with the game)

2007-I started playing World of Warcraft due to pear pressure. I gave up after the first 3 months thne got back into it once the expac was released. I have an 80 hunter and a 70 dk and a stupid amount of alts thta never made it past 35. I have collectively amounted 55 days of playing time with all my characters(45 on my main..fucking grand prairie and its long boring winters.) I also bought an Xbox 360 to play halo 3. But i quickly grew out of it due to live connection issues.

2008-I bought GTA 4 the day it came out and played it non stop tell I got to the second island. But I have yet to do a single mission since reaching it. I also got back into Sim city 4 due to my fascination with maps(I'm a nerd..) I also had a really bad addiction to nhl 2008. I won the cup 2 years in a row with Boston. I'm currently trying it again. My team got to the finals last year after being 2 points form not making the playoffs..I had zero dynasty players(Best player was marc savard woh had like..80 points in the regular season.) I made alot of changes this season(Added steve sullivun(Sp?), Mike comrie, Andre mesjaroz(Fucking names..), Jose theodore,Niklas Backstrom, and todd bertuzzi to replace the retired glen murray.)Oddly this season I'm currently 25/3/0. I simulate every game because playing it gets boring after awhile. But i manage the lines and the practices schedules in order to assure the best possible outcomes for gameplay.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Movie idea

White Streets-Crime/Thriller
Detective Rick Solely just busted a major drug operation at the docks. While detaining some of the smugglers he is informed that “John L,” Is going to be after Solely. Solely thinks nothing of it. He goes home to his wife and his 7-year-old kid, they have a very strong connection and Rick wants the best for them. Rick’s wife Samantha is a kindergarten teacher and his daughter is in the class. The next day Rick goes to work and is informed that his bust last night adds another notch on his spree of drug busts and gang infiltration. He is still notorious for being ruthless to criminals of all kinds. When he gets off he hears a call about a Kidnapping/murder in a park downtown during the day. He later sees on the TV that it was a little girl from his Wife’s class, he then hears that the body found had a message directly to Rick, he also hears that that his wife and kid has been kidnapped. He then hurries to the scene of the incident were he is met by the body of the little kid with the message on it. While grieving from the ordeal he gets a phone call from an unknown number telling him to meet at a pub downtown for info on the whereabouts of his wife and kid. He gets amped for warfare and stocks up on weaponry and pulls out his classic Barracuda muscle car and jets off to the pub. He then meets a man at the pub that goes by Brad, This informant tells Rick that he knows who kidnaps his wife and kids, and he knows how to get them back. Rick reacts offensively and threatens him with a gun, saying that brad is a liar and has no reason to trust him. Then Brad tells him that John L has kidnapped his wife and kids for disrupting the drug operations that he holds. Brad tells him he’s on the other side of the city, but he wouldn’t be able to get into the area without someone who has some kind of ties, Brad then wishes him good luck, and he wants the filth that John L has caused to the streets to be ridden of, he also tells Rick not to tell anyone were he got this info. Rick’s reputation is infamously known by all of the underground gangs because he’s popular with making deals with low level members to get info. So Rick goes to a prison and asks an old friend, Devon Ripper, who he used to work with but betrayed him in order to arrest him and raise his own reputation. Devon informs him that he needs to get to John L, and Rick offers him a clean swipe of his record and a massive amount of cash in order to help him. Devon denies it, telling him that he wants his dignity back, and he wants to be legitimately informed as a cop. Rick is caught off guard by this request since Devon is a past drug addict and a criminal doing 10 years. Rick accepts. At first Rick and Devon don’t get along, they argue over the state of the city while they prepare and plan to get into John L’s fortress. But while they plan out a way for them to lure John L out and get the info they need Rick finds out that Devon is very smart and has a very clever way of working. And threw this Rick starts to see that he himself has been quite one dimensional, working for the fame of being well respected and feared threw out the streets. But he’s been merciless to such people like Devon. So there plan is that Devon will go in and try and make a deal to supply John L with a drug shipment and to make a meeting point to pick up the product, but John L would have to pick it up himself and test it. Rick watches over him with a sniper scope as they attempt the plan, unfortunately Devon’s plan fails when John L looks right threw him, When John L makes Devon admit who he is working for Rick takes a shot that blows up a small shack, Devon makes a run for it and John L and some of his gang members follow him out of the fortress. When John L and his men corner Devon, Rick reveals himself. John L is pleased that he shows his face. John expected his arrival but seems oblivious about Rick’s wife and kid’s whereabouts. After a brief conversation John L gets fed up with Rick and tries to kill him, Rick and Devon both try and escape but John L is out for blood. So him and his gang chase after Rick and Devon on the highway. Rick’s car out manoeuvres John Ls goons and causes 2 of the 3 of them to crash. Rick and Devon get away, Convinced that John L was lying about knowing were Rick’s family is he conspires another plan to phone him and offers himself a hostage to John L in exchange for his family. John L goes along with it and accepts. Devon is convinced that it’s the wrong thing to do and there is other ways to go about finding his family. But Rick is dead set on finding and rescuing his family. Rick demands that John and him meet in a parking garage downtown. While at the parking garage Rick Attempts to persuade John L to trade his own life for his families. When John L hears this he thinks Rick has gone crazy. So he plans to kidnap him in order to find out were his drugs have been going. But when he tries to kidnap Rick, Devon comes to save him and kills all of his goons. But John L takes Rick into a van and starts driving to the roof. Rick keeps asking for his family up until John L freaks out at Rick telling him he doesn’t know were they are. Then Rick believes him and starts to fight him while John drives, John steers heavily to one side and tips the van and causes it to veer into the path of the edge of the parking garage. Rick quickly jumps out of the window while the van is flipping right before it falls off the edge. He jumps into the parking garage level below the one the van jumped off. The van flies across the street and lands at the bottom of a thin skyscraper and the van blows up on impact. Devon comes to the aid of Rick who is overlooking the crash from were he landed. Then the building across the street begins to teeter and the structure at the bottom begins to fail and the building starts falling towards the parking garage. Both Devon and Rick run to the edge of the parking garage and jump three stories down onto the roof of Rick’s car and speed off in perfect time to escape the destruction. The next day his Captain informs Rick that he busted one of the biggest gangs in the city. And luckily the building destroyed was still under construction and was unoccupied along with the parking garage. But what puzzled Rick is the fact that his family was still not found and John L clearly was not responsible for his families kidnapping. Then Rick mentions the person who gave him the info about John L and it turns out that the guy was an up and coming former henchman for John L. He is also told that this man has killed his family, While at the funeral Devon and Rick swear an oath to find the killer and to stop the never ending crime within the city. Devon agrees but admits that he will have to remain in the gang culture to keep a truthful and deceptive operation to stop Brad and eventually all crime within the city. The end

Monday, July 6, 2009

Gorgeous day

Normal people don't enjoy rainy vancouver days. But god damn. After waking up with a hangover to the sun cooking my room im rather glad to have these cool days that make it incredibly relaxing to sleep. Dare i say that i enjoy the Vancouver shit weather more then the good weather. As long as it's not windy, ive had enough wind back in g.p...

Anyways i fixed my RROD xbox 360 problem using the ol penny trick. Works better then ever! Only took 2 weeks to find the right tools for the job though.(t8 screwdriver bits are fucking impossible to find..) So i'm gonna play some gta...Been craving it for a stupid long time.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Canadia day

I'm not gonna lie, I'm not a very noble canadian. I could have cared less if i missed the meh worthy fireworks down at canada place. I think this is because Canada has treated me like shit over the years. Most likely its the harsh winters of northern alberta, or the dullness of saskatchewen, or the Cosmopolitian like manner of my hood. But maybe i'm jsut being prejudice, I enjoy canada to a degree to commit my lfie to living here, i guess that means enough to show that I an a patriotic canadian, even if i don't paint flags all over my body and sport a shirt with a duck on it.

On another note, i have a new roomate, Ive had 4 different people share the room with me over my 2 month stay at this apartment. Two of those people moved to eastern canada, and the other two still live here, but in different rooms. But the thing about this roomate is he has switched teams over the course of life. I dont quite knbow why, but this will definetly give some insight into my bleak understanding of homosexuals. Although it is akward as fuck to share my room with a gya man, it also a cultural opening, broadening my perspective on the human psyche. Which will definetly help in the long run, because every writer has to live threw some screwed up shit to become a famous writer.

Also, tonight i was riding my bike around, dodging traffic, outrunning traffic, and well...Having a good time! Although neither Julia and Malte(Friends from the ol school house, Both of which i watched the fireworks with.) Dont ride bikes. But that was no problem for me. But on another note i realized alot of the woman in this city that do ride bikes instead of public transportation are rather eye catching for me. Maybe its the already known shared interest, or the fact that they're always fit and classy. Maybe thats what i need in this lifestyle, some kind of Bike ridin, stylish, classy young lady, to show me something I have yet to fully experienced. The more I think about it the more I enjoy the idea of finding someone prefers to pedal. I will have to look more in to that as life progresses.

Time for some sleep, then i must rehearse my three movie pitches for tommorow. Loglines include:
A once trampy woman who recieved a deadly illness for her distasteful lifestyle finds the one form of love she never knew from a young geeky man who helps reform her, But the tragedy is that she will undoubtedly die as a terrible person in his eyes.

A russian immigrant in the 1970's trys to evade immigration and prejudice while searching for his calling, which he finds in drilling and a gorgeous canadian.

Two low time vandals inadvertedly create a cult following for destroying Various nightlife estabilishments, but threw this they atract the wrong kind of attention and both are put in to danger for their actions.