Thursday, April 29, 2010

Prime Land

I failed at the Script Frenzy 100 pages in 30 days contest. I was off to a strong start, I had 40 pages in the first 10 days. But school took advantage of my time. I also ran into numerous problems with the latter half of the second act and third act. I had no idea how to work it all out because I never did bother to do a beatsheet before starting(A big mistake.) And I now have to go back and rewrite the 1st act in order to make some major changes. All in all i got up to page 62. I plan to be incredibly inspired next month when I go back home and go to a few grads and spend time with my pops.

Here is the script in a nutshell-
Robbie Hutton is going to University to become a doctor, he's married to Dia, who worked at coffee shop that Robbie frequented. Dia has a 9 year old kid that she had when she was 14. Rob has taken the resposibility of being the father of Cameron, the 9 year old. Anyways, Rob's father dies in a fire trying to save some of the cattle on the Hutton farm. Rob comes back to the farm for the funeral and accepts the farm from his will. The farm has lived through the Hutton name for 11 generations, and Rob feels guilty for stopping the tradition at him, so he accepts the responsibilty to take over the farm. Dia is hesitant, but she accepts. There is also another piece of the puzzle, Roy Miller and his counterpart Catcher, are ranchers. Roy owns a massive amount of land and for his entire life he has wanted the Hutton valley. He is also an alcoholic and a Gambler, and Catcher is silent and tough. Roy tries to buy the farm from Rob after Rob inherits it, but Rob denies him. Rob and the old farm hand Quintin fix up the farm. But over a years time Dia begins to dislike Rob never being home. Dia finally says she is going back to the city, she can't take the lifestyle anymore. Rob continues to live on the farm. But Roy comes back to buy the farm, thinking that Dia leaving will make Rob sell it. Roy rages when Rob denies him again. The next day Rob's tractor starts on fire, Rob thinks Roy did it and gets the police involved. But Rob gets proven wrong. Rob then realizes that he won't be able to make it through the year without the tractor, so he decides to sell all the cattle and turn the pasture into farmland. He goes to the big city and talks to an old friend of his who works as a professor for Agricultural studies named Dartry. Dartry is ambitious and takes on the task of converting the farm with a now cranky Quintin(Quin was a cowman who resents technology, now he has to work with a brand new tractor and his cattle are gone.) In that time Rob tries to reconcile with his family and convince them to come back to the farm, promising Dia that he will spend more time with her. They go to the mountains for a family ski trip. Rob convinces Dia, but he must also convince Cameron who has become accustomed to the city life again. Quintin and Dartry are working on the farm, Quin goes to get more dirt to fill in a hole. On the way to get more dirt Roy and Catcher unsuspectedly follow him. We get a glimpse that Roy is cautious about who Catcher talks to. This ties in later when it turns out that Roy made Catcher start the fire that killed rob's father at the begining.

This is where I'm at. This is what will follow.

While following though, Quintin crashes. Roy and Catcher save Quintin who gets out of the truck with a broken arm. Rob comes back to town and immedietly blames Roy. roy gets pissed off and heads off with Catcher. Rob is restrained by Quin, who admits that it was himself that caused the accident. Rob then goes on a fishing trip with Cameron to talk to him about the farm and if he wants to move back. While back at the shore Quin tells Dia why Rob originally went to school. As it turns out, Rob's mother had a terrible disease and died because of it. Rob decided he would rather work for a future that meant something rather then stick with the farm. Cameron doesn't want to live on the farm, he enjoys his friends and such in the city. Dia and Cameron decide to stay the weekend. During the entire weekend Robert has to work becuase of Quintin being Injured. Once Robert comes back Dia is packing up and crying. Dia tries to get away but her vehicle wont work. Dia demands Robert to leave because she partially owns the house. Robert finally does. Robert goes tot he bar and drinks. Meanwhile, Roy and Catcher are in town. Roy finally tells us his whole plan from day 1, and that he's getting incredibly pissed that he has to wait until Rob keals over to get that land. After losing a poker game and beating a guy up, Roy goes overboard and demands Catcher to go set the farm on fire again. Catcher goes against Roy. But Roy knocks catcher out and leaves to go back to the farm area. Robert goes to Quintin's house drunk out of his mind and starts a fight with him blaming him for all of this. Quintin defends himself and get's Robert restrains and talks him out of his drunken rage. Quintin offers him his sofa, and tells him he should get awya from the farmlife, it's not for him. Roy gets to the Hutton farm and starts everything on fire. He gets to the shop and starts it on fire. Quintin wakes Rob up and Rob heads back to the farm. Rob saves his family from the burning house and they run back to shelter at Quin's house.

The next day Roy comes to Quin's and asks to buy the farm again. We then cut to Rob going to the land office, then Rob packing up and driving to the city. Then Rob going to the University and talking to Dartry. Then we go back to Roy and Rob. Rob simply says no, moments later Catcher comes in with the police and arrest Roy. Rob moves back to the city and goes back to school and stays with his family. He gives the farm to the University for research ground. And Quintin helps out on that farm and starts driving a tractor.

I hope to have it done with the rewritten first act at the end of May. I think I can pull it off with some help from my dad who knows more about this world then I do.

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