Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Walker

Another idea that randomly popped into my head. I was waiting for the skytrain and I randomly made up a scene in my head. So i added onto that scene and thouight of a great movie idea(All in a single skytrain ride.)

A young man named Devan Walker goes to an empty train station where one man awaits him. Walker asks his name thne shoots him. He then walks to a house and asks who lives there, he shoots the occupants of the house. He then goes to another house, walking a rediculously long walk through out a large city. He gets to the house and knocks on the door, no answer so he breaks in. He kills two parents then randomly gets stabbed by some kid. He wastes the rest of his ammo and misses. He chases after the kid only to fall down some stairs into a cellar. The door is locked, and the girl asks who he is, the Walker doesn't say anything, then the girl asks wky he killed her parents. Walker takes out a notebook from his backpack and reads the profile on the parents, he finds out that they are both raging alcoholics, and that they beat the kid. Walker puts away the notebook then smashes the door open. Instead of killing the girl he offers her a hand. He walks with her, she continues to pester him with questions, he finally tells her that he's going to bring her to his father.

When he gets to his father we find out he's a hitman for a bounty hunter, all of the people he killed owed money and didn't pay. Walker hides the girl outside the mob place.When Walker brings up the girl the father asks if he killed her. Walker hesitates and says he did. Then the girl pops up and The father gets men to kidnap her, Walker has a change of heart and pulls a gun and shoots three men and shoots at his father. His father shoots back and injures him. Walker escapes with the girl.

Walker gets a safe distance from the mob place and the girl(Let's name her Sarah, she's about 12) is made at him for nearly getting her kidnapped, we finally get her into the light and realized she has bruises from being beaten. Walker apoligizes and says he is going to get her a safe distance away from the city, she brings up an uncle of hers that is a a teacher, Walker says he will bring her there, but he lives a city away. Walker says he only walks, no buses, no cars, no trains. Sarah asks why she can't go alone, because she's only 12 and the mob might be after her aswell as him. Walker says he will bring her there.

Walker and her start walking and talking. Walker is quite silent but we learn more about Sarah here, she's actually happy to leave being that her parents were alcoholics and gamblers. She enjoys riding bikes, playing yahtzee, listening to electronic pop, and watching Star Wars. Walker has been raised his entire life by the mod with no mother, that's all he has to say. He still hasn't nursed the wound yet and Sarah address it. Walker goes to a friend to the mobs house named Danny. Danny is a medical guy who also sells drugs. Danny stitches it up and and takes the bullet out but he says it might be infected and Walker should seek medical help. Walker will worry about that later, Danny asks some questions and Walker tells him to tell anyone in the mob that he was never here. Walker leaves with Sarah and they start back off again.

Sarah is hungry so Walker brings her to a grocery store. Walker buys some things but Sarah doesn't want to eat food from there. So they go to Mcdonalds. Walker bought a yahtzee set at the store and Sarah teaches Walker how to play. They bond over it and after the meal they hold hands as they hike down a river to the next town. They get to gas station to a gas station so Sarah can go to the washroom. The gas station gets held up and Walker gets told to give one of the crooks his backpack. Walker shoots the crook and the guy robbing the counter in a swift emotionless motion. The shootout heightens when the guy behind the counter pulls a gun. Walker hides and reloads and Sarah gets out of the washroom. Sarah is scared and Walker gets her out of the way and escapes the building. While doing so Walker sprains his ancle.

Sarah begins to lecture him on what he did, Walker takes it all in and apoligizes. He can barely walk, but they get back to the river and hide. Sarah asks why he is like this, Walker admits that he was beaten as a child aswell, and that he was made into the man he is because of it. Walker also admits that he doesn't trust transportation, it killed his mother right infront of him. They end up sleeping over night under the bridge and playing another game of Yahtzee. Half way through the night Walker starts coughing and eventually coughs up blood. He looks at his wound and sees it's infected. He cleans it off and gets some tissue and tape and covers it.

They wake up and Sarah says she wants to walk along the road. they're only about 30 kilometers away. Walker agrees. They get on the road and start walking, but then a cop car pulls over. They threaten to arrest him, Walker is about to take out his pistol but Sarah stops him. Sarah takes out the pistol and shoots at the cop car. Walker and Sarah escape on foot into the bushes. Walker ends up falling and coughing up more blood. Walker tells Sarah to get away from all of this and get to her uncles. Sarah sees the cops coming and she accepts and takes his backpack and gun. Walker tells her tot hrow them away. Walker gets arrested and brought into the cop car. They arrest him to the cop car for what he did at the gas station. They bring him to the city he was going towards. They get to the city and a vehicle destroys the cop car and releases Walker. The guy who did it is his father. His father tells Walker that he killed Danny for helping a betrayer, and he killed the two cops so his father could kill him himself. He also mentions that he is going to go find Sarah and kill him right infront of her for doing all of this. Walker starts coughing again, he coughs up more blood and faints. His father wakes Walker up and brings him to his feet. The father brings him into the house and shows him the Uncle. The Father then shoots the uncle. He then goes to Sarah, Walker manages to unfold himself shortly before they get ready to shoot her. Walker shoots both men beside him and another guy. The father and Walker have a standoff. Walker and The Father both shoot after exchanging some words. Walker gets mortally wounded, but he releases Sarah. Walker apoligizes for this, Sarah tries to help him but he's a gonner. Walker tells him to leave before people show up. Walker apoligizes and thanks her for being the first human contact he ever managed to help. Sarah hugs him, then she takes the backpack and heads off into the sunset, walking..

so i mostly made this up as I went along. But it seems like a fun idea. I love those random anti-heros who kill people emotionless, i find it haunting(Like in The Dark Knight, History of Violence, or Leonne spaghetti Westerns.) I'll think more about this later, some feedback would be cool. And if it sounds to cliche then let me no.

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