Monday, April 12, 2010

Writing on my blog

So this month has been flying by, both in school and outside of school. The plan is to move back to G.P and get a fulltime job to pay off debts and such. Once November rolls around i'll head back here and do whatever I find to be a suitable occupation while I work on other things. I'm also seriously considering branching out into the indie film market. I got some ideas for easy to make flicks that I could make in G.P. While I'm there i'll get a camera and work on camera techniques and make some short films and such on my off time.

On April 1st I joined the Script Frenzy thing and started writing a script that I barely had thought out. And this weekend i felt incredibly drained and lazy. I really wanted to get this script done within the month but i have a feeling that I don't know where I'm taking it. I'm on page 40 right now and I feel that the conflict is way too light... Oh well. I'll finish it despite the fact that I don't know where it's going. The only thing I really need to focus on it is the first act which needs a major rewrite in order to add a new character and fix some believability issues that troubled me.

This is the only place that I can really let loose on my writing as far as outlines go. So I'm going to follow up my last blog post with character Bio's for the characters in my NEXT feature. Which i'll start in mid May. This next feature is going to be in the indie light hearted comedy genre. Something like Little Miss Sunshine or Nick And Nora's infinite playlist. I'm writing this one entirely for amusement and to mock the genre. But after making some character Bio's I think it has some possibilities... Here are the character Bio's and the actors I'm writing for them in mind. Obviously they would never act in it, but i like to dream :3... Oh but first. I must write the story. Shit..

The story in a few sentances-Micheal is an awkward teenager who goes to school on the 22nd of december and is told by the girl of his dreams that there's gonna be an awesome concert by one of his favorite bands palying on christmas day. And the girl of his dreams says she is going to get stupid hammered at the concert. So Micheal goes to his parents and asks and they say he must go to the big family christmas. Micheal doesn't much care for it, but he shrugs it off, stating that there will be other chances, and the Wilson brothers(They beat him up shortly after the conversation with the hot girl, simply because he was talking to her) will be there.

The family is clearly disfunctial and crazy. 4 brothers, 3 of them served time in different wars, a grandpa, and grandpas brother. The only kids belong to Micheals family. The kids are both drug addicts that later form an incest relationship(lol.) So for the first half of act 2 Micheal will try and cope with the family and there shenanigans. He will suffer the agony of playing pond hockey with his family. Having a christmas dinner accident, dealing with a war arguement, and then finally when he is about to go to sleep, he gets a text from the girl who just can't wait. He talks to his uncles wife about the whole thing, and she's pretty much lays it al out for him on what the cons and the pros are. Micheal being biased goes with the pros, gorgeous girl, might get laid, getting away from psycho family... The thing he neglects is that he needs to be with his family, even if they're disfunctional and crazy. So Christmas day Micheal opens up his gifts, and asks again if he can go to the show tonight. Micheal gets shot down. Then starts looknig at other options. his first option is his brother, he fails at that, then his mother, then one uncle that tells him to go, then one that tells him not, then finally he talks to the aunt again and he gives him the keys with the same reasonings as before(The pros and cons, reminding him again.) Micheal takes it and heads off to his concert.

Once he got to the concert he would meet with the girl and attend the show. But his family will be close behind them, (all of his family). The family gets there and crashes it pretty much. The wilson brothers are there and break up Micheal and the girl, Micheal nearly gets in a fight when the family intervenes. The grandpa and the uncle hear a comment from one of the Wilson brothers about how the war is wrong etc and they snap and kick the shit out of them. Meanwhile Micheal tries to escape the emberessment, the other uncle, the one believed to have shell shocked and can't talk. He pretty much spells it all out for Micheal about how he needs his family etc.. The entire family gets kicked out and micheal apoligizes. Micheal gets grounded, but some of the family sympathisizes.. So, the family decides to join him in going back to the concert. The Wilson brothers cower in fear and leave. Micheal goes to the girl woh is weirded out by the whole family thing at first, but they snuggle and such, nothing serious.

This was a shitty outline writing. But hey, it's a comedy. and most comedies aren't very easy to write...

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