Sunday, November 1, 2009

movie list October

Got a lot down this month. Here is what I've capped off my list.
-Rear Window
-North By Northwest
-2001-A space odyssey
-Aparently I watched Big...
-Back to the future
-Lethal weapon

Well actuallly thats only 7.. But I've watched a bunch of honorable mentions. Dirty Dozen, On The Waterfront, Indiana jones and the last crusade, Zombieland, In the heat of the night, I watched Forrest gump again for the first time since i was a kid and it was definetly an awesome flick, Taxi Driver, I watched it again and it was just as awesome, Travis Bickle is probably one of the best characters ever created, The Treasure of sierre madre, The Shining, and something else that i'm clearly forgetting.

I'll be in minor for next month though because of christmas and all.

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