Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Things That i Hate About My Life

At the current time it seems i'm going through a rough patch in my life, so here is somethings that I feel i should get off my chest so i can relax a bit.

-I can't get to sleep before 3 a.m.. I cant remember the last time i was awake at this house on my computer doing nothing productive. But simply widdling awya the hours until I felt like passing out. I think this is entirely because of my current diet which has been pathetic and I am really trying to make a change of that. But that leads to the problem with cooking in my apartment. If whoever reads this hasn;;t alreayd realized I have 5 roomates. 2 of which are never really around and I don't see them very often so they aren't the problem. One of them is alright, and the other two... Well lets just say they are getting on my nerves with there obvious ignorance. I'm the only person who seems to take out the trash. Or clean up anything for that matter. And these 2 faggots(they actually are gay.) have been very neglegent of the dishwashing system. They seem to think its ok to make dirty dishes then keep them in the sink until there is no more clean dishes. Then they will wait a couple days and decide to clean them. They did this once before. And they are starting it again. I warned them both about it. They posed as if thye were going to by cleaning a couple cups and filling this nearly moldy pan with water and soap. But that was 2 days ago. And that pan still sits with water in it in the sink. Along with all the bowls and spoons. Seriously....I'm getting a new roomie next week and if this new guy is-Ignorant, lazy, or/and bitchy then i'm gonna finally just give up on this accomodation. The only reason I stay is because its close to everything and the rent is decent and I get everything. The only problem is the lazy assholes that end up living here.

-Another problem is that I've slowly become a socialite. I don't make plans anymore because it seems everyone has something better to do. So I don't even bother. I stick to renting movies from the library, watching them, and watching tv, playing WoW, and typing non-sense on this laptop until these late hours. This leads me to my homesickness. Not only for G.P. But for regina. I've been missing Regina since I left there 5 or 6 years ago. Its for so many reasons. I had such awesome friends there. I knew the city so well that I enjoyed being a part of it for that reason of simply knowing it. It was close to all my family. If I could drive I could drive to saskatoon, calgary, winnipeg, and anything else inbetween in nearly the exact same time as it takes to get from g.p to anywere. And Well, the people. I miss so many faces from there. And it kills me that I can't really go back for a very long time and see them. Damnit to hell.

-To add to the sleeping problem I think i'm going to have to get addicted to coffee so I can have that cafiene crash. I'll start tommorow with Timmy's coffee.

-I dislike my current feature. Its not something that I enjoy writing because of its personal effect to my interests. My interests being graffiti and some of the characters seem to have begun to mirror people I have met in my life. And I don't really like that. But I think its a sellable script once it gets its kinks worked out. I just need to concentrate on whats the issues of it. I need to show it to someone who knows me best, someone who is also interested in the subject matter. I was thinking that it would be great to send it to BANKSY. But I have no way of doing that. It would also be my dream for Jared Leto to be in it. I think he would want to aswell because on his imdb profile it made it look like he greatly apreciates the art community. And he has played several socially unnacceptable roles in movies such as drug addicts and supporters of fight clubs... But I have a new script i'm working on that I quite enjoy. And another Idea that I think is really something fantastic and intersting that I'd like to pull out for the second feature for school. But we shall wait and see how that turns out.

-One of the things that i'm starting to realize is that I'm getting lazy with my work habits. I haven't done anything productive writing wise in over a week. And I have shit due tommorow. i hope this is jsut because of my poor eating habit at the moment and my odd sleeping pattern. i hope to start working on the food thing as soon as possible. I bought a bunch of healthy food today and I plan to start cooking actual meals again instead of microwaved stuff.

-I miss doing graffiti. Especially right now, last year this was one of my most productive times of the year. And this month this year I've only done 1 piece and nothing else. Its mostly because of the current weather. And my lack of paint. But its also a lack of ambition and I have no friends to go out with and do this. I was able to do it alone back home because I didn't have to worry about being hassled but here its different. Other writers will beat the shit out of you if they find your painting in there spots. Or if you have associated with anyone who might have a bad rep(I have associated with some of those characters, but they are actually good guys.. Just got into bad habits with what they do in the manner of graffiti.)

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