Thursday, November 26, 2009


I was thinking of theme over the last couple days and how you could make a story out of brainstorming controversal themes in the common world.

I was thinking of a story about a high school run by a dumbass principle. The school focuses all of its attention to sports and after funding a massive high school stadium one kid acts out and tries to promote equality through out the school system and bring attention to the problems the school has.

I'm not sure of the rest of the story, but from what I wrote it has a debatable theme. Socialism. The goal is to promote equality through out the school system. Equal benefits and funding for every program. The princple obviously against that idea. Our main character for it. Also that ever disputed issue of who's better, athletes or intellectuals. The problems of the high school would be further explored. Things like bullying, racism, under age sex, and ageism. Kids can still make a difference.

And yea, jsut though I should write that down somewhere.

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