Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Best Dream Ever

So i just woke up from one of the best most epicest dream's i think I've ever had. It was like a movie was going on and it never really had an explanation. Here is how it went.

-I'm chilling in my apartment when I hear a giant bomb go off. I go to see what it is and i find that downtown vancouver is getting bombed. Its raining, its stormy out and I'm confused as fuck. So i question someone and they tell me that its some kind of zombie apoloplyse. I get confused and then the zombies come in, they're normal looking people but all they wanna do is inflict paint to others. I try running until I see that all the major avenues are blocked off by massive army barricades. They say they are going to destroy the entire downtown to stop the infected. I'm still trying to make sense of all of this so i call up some random guy who I guess is my uncle and he tells me to go to the airport so we can fly out of the city into the mountains. Well somehow I escape the city to watch it get bombed. I get to the airport to see it is in massive panic. But my uncle has a bi-plane which we begin to take off with but a boeing 747 seems to be flying out of control. It ends flying right into our path, we lift off in time to avoid it and we watch as the plane crashes into 2 other planes docked at the airport and they explode. We fly over the downtown as we watch the city get annihlated. For some reason I have the typical family living in north van and i sympathize for them as we fly over north van into the mountains. I finally get an explanation for this. What apparently happened is some weird chemical ended up in nearly every de-salinization plant in the country. De salization is what makes tap water drinkable. And the chemical manages to turn off all primal instincts in the brain and kill them. All of them except for the primal instincts of madness. It doesn;t make sense but I guess this is a dream soo whatever. These people only have one characteristic about there appearance that defines them as infected. It's there eyes and if they are running towards you in rage then kill them.

Well this uncle of mine has the genious idea to fly to edmonton to chill at a pop factory, in his mind the de-salinizartion process is crossed out by the carbonated water. And this proves to make no sense but it ends up being true. We fly over cities as thye burn. I keep sympathizing for my fake family. Thinknig they are all dead by now. We get to edmonton its a ghost town. we end up in a pop factory. Another person inhabits it and says its true. He lived there for the last week. We live there for a week or two before the old man ventures off to find more food.. He doesnt come back. We go out looking for him. We find a river with him floating in it. We get raided by 20-30 rage victims and kill them all with an assualt rifle and a paddle.

We get the idea that we cant stay here alone like this. We need to find someplace to go to stay safe. Uncle gets the idea to go back to vancouver to see if the army handled everything. We get a hold of a radio and we hear they made a camp there in north vancouver which is guarding the non infected. A river supplies water, and they grow there own food. They also host a university which is the main safe haven. So we try to take the plane back but it wont start. So we end up in the parking lot getting chased by rage victims. We end up finding a really nice SUV which is like an army vehicle and we steal it. If the rage victims bite you well they are gonna fucking BITE YOU. And from reports over 50% of the population is infected. 40% died just from these people killing them. It made no sense whatsover. Other countries are jsut as worse. Africa I guess woudln;t recieve anything because thye dont desalinize their water they jsut drink it but I guess the radio tells us something else logical has happened and that the same statistic seems to be across the board. 2 months and no cure for this disease. And water is still not drinkable from the tap so you cant really find an underground lair to hide in unless its a tunnel.

So we on the road once we find something shocking. A bus filled with Rage victims..a rage victim is DRIVING the bus. Well they try and jump us, we kill them with a samurai sword which is oddly place din the back. And you can only kill these fuckers if you fuck up there skull. My uncle is the badass killing them while I drive against this massive bus. I end causuing the bus to wheeve into a gas station blowing it up. We kill baddys.

We end up back in vancouver. It's a ghost town. We find the university is actually a safe haven. And we havent even seen one single rage victim yet, its confusing, we get to the house to find my family hiding in the basement. We go to the university and they tell uis the rage victims are finally dieing from from the disease. It slowly infected them over the month and its finally killed them. But some of them are in the heighest state of RAGEEE. And wellthe university gets raided by them. We watch as thousand more die form these basterds. We kill them visciously using anything. We end up blowing a massive gasoline tank and causing some giant structure to fall on a bunch of them. We get airlifted out. And we manage to watch the city get once again destroyed. We fly over one last sot of the entire city, everything is a fucking mess. The end....

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