Saturday, December 5, 2009

Tv Pilot

The show is about a guy who gets hired to work in a entertainment store(it has a video game section, a trading card section, a comic book section, and a movie section.) Here are my general characters.
Jeremy(main character)-He is a 22 year old virgin who has been addicted to video games all of his life. He gets hired for his expertise but he gets placed in the Trading card section with Mikeal. Despite being a pathetic excuse for life he is a charming and positive young man and this job could possibly open up a social doorway that he has yet to explore.
Mikeal-He is the tradition Magic player. 30 years young, still living with his parents, plays every trading card game imaginable, wears the same disgusting clothes everyday and has a stylish neckbeard. He is very defensive against anyone who pretends to know shit about the trading card industry and he constantly contradicts himself with his slander.
Berard-He supervises the comic book section. He is the guru for help, he knows everything about everything, but all he does is read comic books and smoke pot.
Jessica-She is the misplaced cinephile. Despite being an 11/10 she still hangs around all these virgin fags but never gives them a chance. She can be manipulative, but she has her reasons.
Bryan-He operates the games department. He has the biggest drive to succeed beyond the industry but he has such a love for games that he cant let go of the life. He also has a major anger issues and tends to rage over the stupidest shit. He has the major hots for Jessica but we all know that it will never work out.
Bob/Sherry-The owners, they are happily married cliche nerds. The type of married couple that you see playing WoW together. They operate the store with a relaxing motive and they tend to set up major events in the store. They are also big cos players.
Perry-He got fired from the store because Mikeal didn't get along with him and Perry did some unmentionable stuff in a backroom with his left hand. He works at a different game store that some of the workers must go to if they need to find a certain item. But Perry will always reject them, Perry is also a petty virgin and his anger towards everyone at his former store is all because he is secretly lonely.
Secondary characters
Xhunhi-He runs the Anime portion of the comic book section. He has slick blonde hair and a disgusting acne problem. He isn't very talkative unless you bring up anime. He is quite brilliant when it comes to asian culture despite.
The Rat-all though his name is never mentioned he is constantly hanging around the trading card section. He never buys anything, but Mikeal enjoys chatting with him. He is hideous and no one thinks he has a job. He never really does anything but he is always an annoyance for the rest of the store.
Mac-He is the big black security guard. He loves palying Grand theft auto and plays it more then he watches the store. He is constantly breaking up nerd rage and he is a great idol for the rest of the store as he is actually quite socialably normal. Although he tends to redicule the rest of the staff for being pathetic.
The Gamer kid-He is a re accuring character who always comes to the game section and plays the demos. He has never bought anything and sometimes he will stay there for 3 hours. Bryan is always trying to beat him in gamesbut this 10 year old kid is jsut way to damn good. Bryan see's a bit of himself in the kid but sometimes he likes to harass him.
Claudia-She is a close friend of Jessica's and she is also fairly atractive. she is always visitng the store just to hang out. Mostly with Bernard since they're cousins. Mikeal actually tries to form a relationship with her but Mikeal is just too sloppy.

This is my new pilot idea. I'm a lot more happier with this one then my other which turned way to dark. I'm going for the Community feal. The nerd comedy essentially.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of characters! The pilot sounds interesting, just be careful with all the subplots and the dynamics between all those characters!!

    Keep going, brother!
