Wednesday, August 5, 2009

broken arm

In repsonse too a thread on some website about the most painful experience evar.

I was snowboardin in Jasper back in 06. I was at the top of the hill and i was trying to stop before i went down this stupidly steep run. I tried sitting down but i fell hard backwards and bent my wrist awkwardly. The surge of pain was incredible. I thought it would go away, but 30 minutes later, still on that hill, the pain was still there. So I decided to go down to the bottom to find my family. I reached the bottom and finally found my brother. He didnt fucking beleive me, we decided to consider it sprained and continue our day of boarding. So i go up the lift, i was sitting in the middle, my brother on my left, and some retarded american skiier beside me. Well we get to the top and this retards ski's go right over my board and makes me fall down..i landed awkwardly again on my arm and holy fuck. I wanted to kill that bitch. But she apoligized, was all nice and a rather good looking idiot. So i sat down for awhile. Brother went down the hill first, I lost him...I was down at the bottom of the run were all the runs meet by the chairlift, and this fucking idiot is sitting in the middle of the run. I was back carving looking out for my brother and i smacked her board..AGAIN landing on my arm, holy fuck pain again. Im sobbing, shit i finally get to the bottom, but before i did i decided to have atleast a little fun before i finally give up boarding for the winter. And JESUS FUCK, i was doing some trail run, and i hit a patch of ice, i tried stopping but i ended up hitting a little lump and getting some air. Again landing on my arm. Wow, just fucking wow. i got my senses and walked the rest of the way(a kilometer unitl i got to the clubhouse.)

once at the clubhouse i was treated, my brother finally found me. The ski patrol made a sling out of cardboard. They told me they could not take me off the hill until they found my parents. They paged them for nearly 4 fucking hours, my brother was off looking for them, I was sitting in some little shed watching all these idiots come in who decided to be awesome and go down double black diamonds on there first try skiing and ended up hitting someone..

Anyways, 6 p.m came, found out my parents ditched the hill..I was fucking pissed, hairline fracture in the arm. Those falls amplified the pain soo god damn much. I waited 3 hours at the hospital, pissed at my mom.

Now thta i think of it, I could make a teenage angst movie out of this little adventure..It has a perfect 3 act structure...Life stories make the easiest movie storylines.

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