Saturday, December 19, 2009


So I was loosing sleep after reading a story about a house invasion gone wrong, the story compelled me to create a movie idea. A cheap one. I started brainstorming to myself on how to make it a creatable idea. The idea simply being-3 Serial killers torture an already destroyed family. I got the first act down last night, then the second and third, and a great subplot. I'm just writing it here to cement the idea and to write it down somewere.

The story foes like this, a year and a half after a Father killed his own wife during an alcoholic related car accident he finally gets his license and his vehicle back. His family rejects him because he still continues to drink. Despite the fact that he already feels bad enough that he killed his own wife. It is his birthday on this day, his kids, an older daughter who has been quite sexually active with the neighbor(they live in a farm), a stoner teenaged son, and a rather intelligent young daughter, non of them got their father presents except for the youngest daughter who still loves her dad. They younger daughter phones up an older daughter who has moved out and is now living in a large city and has fully seperated herself from her father. The older daughter doesn't want to come out, stating her seperation, despite all the efforts from the youngest daughter.

The teenaged daughter visits the neighbor and asks him to come over at around 1a.m. The father goes to bed after an arguement with practically the whole family over supper. And then while everyone sleeps, at around 12 o clock someone comes into the house. Goes down to the basement where the teenaged daughter lives, and rapes her violently. 2 other wacth as this happens. They tape her mouth shut. The son goes downstairs to the kitchen to get a drink of water when he see's that the door is open, along with the door to the basement, he thinks its the neighbor who normally comes over to plow her sister, he yells for him to shut the door next time. The 3 hear this and 2 of them come upstairs and nab the son and tie him to a chair. They nab the younger daughter, then the father aswell in the midst of there sleep. They all tie them to chairs and face them towards each other in the living room.

They all get exposed to each other, all of them are scared shitless, the teenaged daughter has been beaten during her horrific experience. And we learn that these 3 men are psychotic serial killers, and by 6 a.m the entire family is going to be in garbage bags in the basement. The serial killer leader goes by Hemington, this will be revealed that he is wanted in the area earlier on when the father gets his truck back. He tells them all he is going to torture them in the way they treat themselves, jsut to show them a lesson befopre going to hell, because he believes all people do sins and they must pay for them before death. The oldest son tries backtalking to them but he gets stabbed in the leg with a screwdriver. The taller serial killer(there is also a shorter serial killer, and a leader, I refuse to name them at this point because this idea is not totally cemented), tells the son that talking is only gonna make it happen faster, and they wanna have all the fun they can while they are all still alive.

Meanwhile the oldest daughter is partying it up, she sees the time and after a talk with a boyfriend she decides to head out to visit her dad to meet her in the morning for a suprise breakfast. She leaves and takes her car with her.

The serial killers First kill the dog because he is barking to much, then the neighbor comes over, and thye deal with him aswell. The lead serial killer is asking questions to the family members to figure out who they all are, what their deal is. As I have already stated what all their issues are this is where it comes out even further, this is a family that is seperated, they even start argueing and the serial killer starts to enjoy this. Saying he will be doing good for this family instead of harm. They will meet their mother in hell.

The two other serial killers kill the neighbor and come back to see what their next task is. The olkdest daughter is first tooken into a room and she is mentored by the sick criminal, it turns out she's a whore because of the depression that overtook her after the death of her mother. The son is forced to do heroin, just to show that drug abuse isn't going to lead him anywhere but downhill, it won't help him with his depression, and it won't help him forget. Meanwhile the father is forced to drink by the lead serial killer infront of the youngest daughter who begins to get mouthy, The main serial killer enjoys her rants and reminds her that she will be the first to be bagged up.

Meanwhile the the oldest daughter is on the road, she won't be there until 6. She decides to give the house a phone call, unfortunatly the phone is unplugged because the family cant afford it, the father has been on E.I since the accident that claimed the wife. She stops at an all night gas station to fuel up. She realizes the gas station attendent is an old friend of her fathers, he offers some adivce that when a man goes through something that intense that it deals a lot, and being hard on him won't help(A little on the nose thematicly but oh well.)

Back at the house the father is getting beaten now, the youngest daughter is watching while she can do nothing. The teenaged daughter is about to be raped yet again and the son is set in his room to deal with another shot of heroin. The son manages to escape his own room by jumping out the window and hoping off the roof. The tall serial killer who was watching him warns the rest and the son manages to hide in the barn. The shorter serial killer brings the daughter back upstairs to be tied up along with the father and the younger daughter. The short serial killer is left to stay to watch them while the other two serial killers search for the son who is high on heroin.

The older daughter gets into town and starts heading towards the farm. The son manages to evade the two serial killers and escapes from the barn he manages to get into the tractor shop where he hides again. The two serial killers grab weapons from the building and start looking through the hay, narrowing it down to that or no where else.

The daughter gets to the house to realize a suspicious vehicle in the driveway. She enters the empty house, and suprises the short serial killer and manages to knock him out. She unties the entire family and they all hug glad to be alive. The father tells them about the son. And he goes outside.

The son manages to escape but he gets captured and stabbed by the main serial killer. While heading back to the house The father surpises them and kills the taller serial killer with a shotgun. They all hide in the house and call the cops. Once they get into the house they realize the shorter serial killer is gone.

The main serial killer hides in the barn, but the father takes the alcohol from before and lites it on fire burning down the barn. The serial killer escapes to an open field where he is shot dead from the father. Before the cops get there though the short serial killer manages to get the father and holds him hostage with a knife. The father drops the gun and the son aproaches as the cops are coming. The son tries to negotiate same with the entire family, the father telling them to run away before they get hurt. The serial killer backs far enough to realize that the family is now near the shotgun, the oldest daughter picks it up and the serial killer starts to slash his neck but he gets a face full of lead. The police come up and the cops arrive as the barn falls down due too the fire.

They are all hsopitalized, but they are together and no longer seperated due to there harsh experience. Two weeks later they all have a happy supper, as there new barn is built due to the reward for catching the psychopathic serial killer.

Last minute change, the main serial killer is the one that is waiting with the family and knocked out. The father kills the tall one while thye head back to the farm with the son, and then the short one in the field. The main one stabs his neck.

So yea here it is. I'm sure it kind of looks like a cliche thriller..but Oh well, I think it could be done on a rather efficent budget with some great actors.

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