Sunday, December 27, 2009

Bought some shit

I havent really bought anything in the last couple of months for myself and to entertain myself. So i sprung out and bought a shitload of movies and recieved some stuff for x-mas.
-Wizard of Oz
-Yes man
-Dark Knight
And I got 3 games for x-mas
-Forza 2
-Some tuner game
-nhl 09

I also got a new ipod nano so i can finally fit all my music onto one mp3 player. I recieved some clothes and an odd amount of razors and deodarants. But what I realized today is the presents aspect of Christmas is so minor in my opinon. I love seeing family that I barely ever get to see and friends from back in saskatchewen that I nearly forgot about. I love the community aspect of it. But I've been staying with my auntie and my dad since the 15th and I don't leave until the 5th and personally I'm growing a bit bored. But I've been able to get a lot of writing done and I've been able to sleep better. I still have insomnia which I am now considering getting some minor medication for(some herbal stuff preferably).

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