Friday, January 1, 2010


Haven't dropped by the ol blog in awhile, despite the fact that I've been on my computer for most of my vacation. So here is an update on life and general stuff-

I've been in saskatoon since the 15th and I leave on the 5th. It has been a pretty nice vacation. I've been resting and relaxing, playing lots of WoW, eating delicious home cooked meals, and watching plenty of TV and Film. Which has inspired me to go further with The Getaway Driver. I'm at page 38 and I know where I'm going and it's lots of fun. I bought a bunch of movies for dirt cheap on boxing day, and got 3 xbox games for christmas. I bought Yes man, Wizard of Oz, Unforgiven, The Dark Knight, and Rock n Rolla. I seen dozens of others during my stay but I watched Zombieland in the cheap theatre and I enjoyed it alot more the second time around. Same with District 9.

I'm also pretty psyched to go back, the upcoming year will be a busy one for sure. I will hopefully be getting my own place with Alex in Surrey. Then I have 2 graduations to go to. And I have to move all my shit from G.P to Vancouver. And then I really wanna go back to regina for a week to hang out with family. Then my dad might come visit vancouver in the summer, same with my mom. And hopefully I can convince my mom and Walter to let me use there truck to move my shit down there along with Alexs crap.

But back to what I need to do once I get back to vancouver, first step is to go shopping and buy actual food. Then steal a tap and pull off my scam so I can get paint and get back into the graffiti business. Then I must get a job and make some money. Luckily the next term I'm well prepared for with my feature ideas and my other various classes which I all have ideas for. Cant wait to do Urban night golf as a web series. I also want to start biking more once I get back. Even if it does rain or snow I wanna be out biking atleast once a week. i wanna see more of the city.

I'll update this tommorow to recap my life over the last decade as vividly as possible.

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