Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Sagovan Tale

Another retelling of an old story i wrote awhile back. I'd love to someday write and direct this on some gorgeous island in Fiji with a bunch of sea turtles. Excuse the format, this is copy and pasted from a conversation with a friend on facebook.
Well it takes place in a mythological world, On a secluded island in the south pacific. maybe 5 miles around. Takes place long long ago, possibly during the egyptian periods. There is this tribe that lives on the island, about 50-60 people. Everyone has a specific job that they must do, and they must train their kids to do that job aswell. The island's main food source is turtles, green sea turtles to be exact. They come onto the island to nest then they depart for the sea. The weird thing about this tribe. Is that they never touch the sea, they fear it. They believe it brings harm and badluck and death. They send their dead off into the sea.

Here is where we meet our main character. He is the son of a turtle hunter, which means he must become a turtle hunter. but he can't kill a turtle, he finds them too adorable. His father is continiously dissapointed in him, along with the rest of the tribe. So one day our main character named Sayun, decides he's going to do some turtle hunting on his own, because he believes that maybe he can;t kill a turtle because there's so much pressure on him. But on this particular day, he follows a turtle until he reaches the sea, knowing the dangers of the sea and the rules of his tribe, he's hesitant to follow. But on that day, he sees a silhouette of something far off in the sunset. Curious, he goes into the ocean and walks towards the island, but he gets to the point where he can't walk anymore and he struggles to keep himself up. So he goes back to shore... But he thinks that maybe he can reach the island if he tries.

And here is where the bulk of the story comes in, ill brief it though. Sayun practices swimming and catches on, but he cant see the island any longer. meanwhile, a young girl in the tribe gets curious about his doings, but Sayun hides himself well because no one expects him to be out at sea. His father continues to grow concerned about Sayun's lack of hunting skills aswell, and his absents and his new interest in the ocean. But after awhile the girl catches him in the act and brings it up at a tribe meeting and Sayun gets in trouble and gets punished. Frustrated with the girl and the tribe, he swears to leave the island. but he can't see the other island anymore, so he believes he might have just been seeing things. So he gives up and accepts the society, until the turtles start to stop going to the island and a famine sets in. people start dieing, and Sayun feels incredibly responsible for this because he wasn't a very good hunter, so one day, he goes to the beach, and sees the island again! He rushes back to the tribe and informs them of it, and they also see it!

They trust that he can make it to the island, so they accept that he should go and see what's over there before it dissapears. So he heads over there, but a giant storm approaches and Sayun gets caught in itHe struggles and eventually makes it within meters of the other island, but the storm takes his life. It ends with the tribe perishing, and the final shot will be of James Cook entering the island a thousand years later and finding a strange structure that Sayun made of the turtles and the sea... Sayun explored the world for his tribe and they never knew it...

That's that.

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