Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Prime Land

Prime Land-A modern day setting placed within a classic western story.
A sadistic gambling rancher who just so happens to own a retarded amount of land on the edge of the farmland of northern canada wants the last available piece of land. Which belongs to A young man who looks way too sophisticated to be a farmer, but he is, and he owns the best known land in the district, and one of the biggest lots. The rancher offers a large sum of land for the land, one that would make most farmers cry. But the farmer says he will never sell the land. 15 years ago this farm used to be a ranch and it used to be all trees. But one day during a storm the forst started on fire. In a desperate effort to save the cattle that grazed in the forest the owner of the farm(The farmer in the rest of the story) tried to save them and also save some of his equipment. Unfortunatly he died during the fire and most of his cattle died aswell. The farmers dad left the farm to his son, who was a year away from becoming a doctor and recently became a father and a husband. The farm has been within his family for the last 150 years. Despite pressure from his wife, the farmer decided to maintain the farm. The wife stayed by his side because he loved him. But after 5 years of the farmer trying to transform the forest that burnt to the ground into a prime plot of farmland the wife became annoyed with the lifestyle and divorced him. The farmer nearly quit, but he stuck with it. This land belongs to the family and it will always belong to the family. So back to modern day. The farmer begins to find signs of sabotage to his farm. He thinks very little of it until his tractor catches on fire. He immeditly gets police involved to investigate the rancher but the rancher has no signs of involvement. The farmer knew it was him so he attacks back and releases a massive amount of cattle which causes an accident. The rancher is sued and tries to trace it back to the farmer but he made it look like the cows caused the whole escape. The farmer get's a restraining order put on the Rancher. But to do so he meets back with his wife who studied law. his wife sees what he's doing and tells him to stop. The farmer brings her to the land and again she pursaudes him to sell the land and do what he was meant to do. Even if the land has been in the family for such a long time doesn't mean it has to continue being that way. Tradition must end, and normally a fire should end it. The farmer offers to think about it. They eventually reconsile there differences and the next morning the farmer goes to sign the papers to hand over the farm but on the way the Rancher plotted to destroy the land, which iis actually revealed by one of the cronnies of the rancher to be the second time he has done this(He started the fire which killed the father.) The cronnie denies doing it. so the rancher does it himself. The farmer sees this and doesn't bother to try and save the farm, instead he runs with his wife. They get away, the farm is destroyed. The cronnie rats out the rancher. And the Farmer moves away...

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