Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Lake Vostok(part 1)

This script story is pretty outrageous, but apparently it's original, and I've sparked some interest to finally put it on paper.

So, Lake Vostok is a massive lake under the ice in Antarctica. It's the most pristine lake on the planet and humans have yet to touch it's waters. Right now some scientists are digging to see what's down there. hopefully i finish this short story/possible screenplay before they explore the waters. So here is a synopsis for a possible script involving this.

We start on a team of Archaeologists/anthropologists or whoever the hell would work on a project like this(I haven't done much homework, fuck off.). 4-5 at most, the leader is some old guru baster who reads a lot of historical books and has researched in almost every country on the globe, probably nominated for a nobel prize in his field and he's probably being privately funded to do this, lets name him Sanders, because nameless characters are forgettable. He probably has a romantic interest on this voyage who is also a photographer(Darrington?), and a trusty sidekick(Rettski?) who has worked for him for years, and possibly knows his obsession with discovery. He also has some extremely smart fresh out of an ivy league school kid(Warmen?) who looks upto him as if he were a god, and finally a financer(Purseau) who wants to know what's under that ice.

So we got our characters, now our story. Sanders, Rettski and Darrington are working in the rift valley when they find something truely extrordinary and groundbreaking after an earthquake causes a massive sinkhole to form where our team find an ancient city of uknown origin where he sees clues of a connection from this city to another city in an uknown land near a lake that was abandoned due to a winter that lasted a millenia years. There would also be some awesome indiana Jones style exploration in this part. Sanders then asks his financer, Purseau to get him to Lake Vostok to join a team of scientists to discover the lake. Purseau lets in, knowing that Sanders will pull something out of that lake and make Purseau's rep go up even more for aiding his journeys. Sanders team joins the lake Vostok scientists, which is 3 people, Warmen, Galvington, a scientist from germany who has weapons training and will be operating the mini submarine that they will drive to explore the lake, and Favrez, a Mexican scientist who is responsible at the surface and for the satellite imaging.

During a lunch all of our characters get to know each other, Sanders is still investigating pictures from the last site, he's deeply entranced by all of the mystery surrounding the area. pictures that feature a city built above the waters in the middle of nowhere protected by the gods(Easter Islands lol) and an actual god that wore a crown that looked similar to the Stonehenge. And something that looks similar to Atlantis. Darrington and Rettski grow concerned, but they are just as excited to learn of the mystery of the lake, Warmen is sort of comic relief and constantly annoys Sanders.

so the next day, they reach the lake, it glows bright blue, truely gorgeous. They first send a computer operated submarine below the surface of the lake and explore, but something spooky stalks the submarine and destroys it. Sanders convinces everyone to take the mini sub under the water to explore the lake for their own eyes. Once below they see all sorts of incredibly and unthinkable wildlife and fish, alien like creatures. The scientists compare them to fish and so and so. but they eventually end up finding a strange dock and then, HOLY FUCKING SHIT! A city under the ice! A massive metropolis, built by an unknown culture. The city itself is a giant museum, filled with luxury and all sorts of amazing artifacts of massive size that might suggest that this city was built by a god... Sanders is incredibly interested in this city, they stay the entire day and the crew try and convince him to come back with him for some rest and to alert the media. Sanders insists he can go without food, Rettski is worried, Warmen is excited and says he will stay behind aswell. Rettski tells the crew to get a doctor and supplies for them tommorow and he stays. The 3 of them make camp in the middle of the metropolis. Sanders hypothesizes that the city used to be a port before the climate drastically changed and froze the lake over, but the city is completed as one entire building. They haven't found any living quarters, just monuments and massive artistic structures.

That night, Sanders can't sleep, so he ventures off on his own and meets a very strange human down there! who speaks... holy shit... ENGLISH! Very broken english, but the person is incredibly smart, and incredibly old. He is the Currator. He explains that this used to be the palace of the god, the god being Qesta, the leader of a long forgotten society that existed after the dino's went extinct, they were a race of human beings that differed in bone structure from other humans, their bones decayed shortly after death along with their skin, so no fossils were ever found. The Currator then tells them of how the society was newly created, Qesta himself created the entire race, he was created by a higher power after the meteor hit to recreate society. Qesta started building. He first created the city they were in Vostok, as his own personal palace and ruling kingdom. He then created a city out of easter islands. He built it on top of the water because of the fierce predators in the waters below, it would serve as the center of the world. It was built entirely above the water, with several hundred towers with the heads on top built as soldiers. He then went to the bermuda triangle and built his second city, Atlantis. The meteor hit the caribean sea, and the impact of the meteor had a magical effect on the area of the bermuda triangle and caused the island to be incredibly fertile while the rest of the earth laid to waste, confused, it turned out to be a lot more prosperous city then the easter islands due to the farming. He then went to the rift valley, and then to new zealand to create cities, non of which were as good as easter island or Atlantis. But once the ice age came Qesta's human beings died, he tried to save them by giving up the last of his powers to protect his palace and enclose it from the elements. Unfortunately he made his followers too far apart, and they all couldn't interact with each other or have a way to get to his palace in time. His culture died. so he wandered the world depressed that his culture had died and his powers were gone to waste to protect his palace. So he buried himself, his crown can still be seen, it is the Stonehenge :P. Atlantis ended up living on until it's own random magical powers faded and it eroded into the sea. And as it turns out, The Currator was the only resident of the palace, he was also Qesta's son. Sanders and the currator talk about their worlds until Sanders mentions that he broke through the ice to get there. The Currator then informs that this could mean danger!!! As they have broken the magical seal that protected Vostok for all these years, and that Qesta might be outraged to find out that the only thing he could save is now going to be destroyed! Sanders then informs the currator that he doesn't want to destroy the city, but in fact save it. But at the surface, the rest of the crew has discovered something terrible. QESTA HAS AWAKEN! HOLY SHIT!

Yea, I'm falling asleep, so this will go in the almost finished profile. but you get the gist of it. Potential second part might feature more indiana jones-esque style scenes. Sanders will go crazy and will try and threaten to destroy the city if he cannot take it over and rule it for himself. His crew then takes over and tries to find relics from easter islands and Atlantis which have both risen to their former states and are totally fucking up the worlds and are only accessible by a portal in Vostok built after the death of the culture by the currator.

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