Thursday, November 25, 2010


I've discovered the Canadian dictionary for Firefox. So i might use it a bit more in future posts. I've been severely lacking for the last couple months. I blame this on writers block and lazyness. Working road construction really wore me to the bone and exhausted the hell out of me. Oddly enough I've started to grow as an actor. I'm currently involved in a makeup project and I think I'm doing a decent job on it. I'm really feeling the actor world, it's easy to find acting gigs for free. And I'm learning so I wouldn't accept any money at this point. But in the future I'd love to focus on both writing and acting on my own work and only my own work. I'd love to try out directing but I don't know enough about the technical stuff to get it right, so for now those 2 will be my passion. As for life, I'm currently living on EI(800$ every two weeks, better then working, until April). I'm going to be focusing on writing and acting as much as possible up until april-ish. Then I'll look for serious work in some sort of labor job, or even in a restaurant. I don't think I can do this lazy lifestyle for too long, but here's preying that I get some sort of writing gig/acting gig and get into that industry!

So anyways, I've decided to really crack down on my writing for the next couple months. This might be really bold, but I'm going to finish the second half of this action thriller I've been working on since june in a coffee shop over the weekend. Won't leave until all 25 pages are done. Then next month I'm going to focus on two mutherfucking scripts! Yea, bold eh? 3 scripts done in 2 months? I better do it, or else I'll just prove that I'm a lazy sack of shit with no ambition to enter this industry. The first script I've already started(10 pages in, comedy high school drama). The other is a horror script that I still need to beat out and focus on. I really love the idea but i need to know how to pull it off elegantly, being that it might be my easiest script to sell. Lucky for me I'm taking a day long bus trip for Christmas. so that should give me a shit load of time to focus on both scripts and crack down on them. I asked for as many transfers as possible so I could charge my laptop as much as possible. I think I can pull off 15 pages for each script during this trip. Then I'll be staying with my dad from the 18th-5th of January. So i should be able to concentrate and crack down while I'm there. It's easy to concentrate when i stay at my dads house. I don't have to worry about my mom yelling for me from the living room because something interesting is happening on the TV, or the desperate need to build the rest of the house I'm living in(Yea, it's a project house with all sorts of crazy shit going on inside of it.) I think it's the fact that I don't need to cook for myself, clean up anything besides my stuff, and it's a relaxing and quiet place.

Anyways, I came on here today to write a short story about a potential script i wanted to start. but I'm thinking it over and it would probably be a good 5-6 pages. I'd write these scripts as novels but i hate the way dialogue flows in novels. It takes me out of my element when I have to write She Said, in clever ways to avoid repetition 3000 times.... I also need some coverage so I can properly rewrite some of the scripts that I wrote away from school. I never did like Broken Home due to it's hostage situation stylings. i think the hostage film has been done to death.

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