Friday, February 5, 2010

The Wandering Jew

I've decided to right a novel. It's about the Wandering Jew mentioned in Christian folklore.

Here is a rough synopsis I wrote out in an msn conversation. I'm definetly going to work in this more. Since it is folk-lore, I can make up some crazy shit for it.

He aparently spat on jesus during the crucifix and was hexxed to wander the earth until the second coming of christ.
I plan to write it as if I were him. I'd be traveling, not working but stealing, and I am unable to die because of my hex. I do not age. But no matter who I try and love, i know that they will die in my existance and I will have to suffer.
So I go through life, living off of nature. traveling, looking for a way to spend my time tell christ comes back to clusterfuck the earth. But while on my journey I become deeply religious by seeing various events. I turn into a preacher, and then I travel the world preeching, and then people try to kill me. They fail, and my secret gets out that I'm the hexxed jew.
I go into Exile, and wait, praising jesus. i watch as sociery goes into a downfall, people stop caring about religion, they think death is inevitable and that heaven doesn't exist. In the end I'm the only one left to believe in Jesus. and when he comes back. He forgives me.

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