Tuesday, June 23, 2009

First Tima.

Well, hello world. I recently watched an episode of corner gas. In the episode one of the characters(Hank, the obvious comedic relief.) writes blogs and fears no one reads them. I have that stature, but I don't really give a fuck anymore because i have wayyyy to much time on my hands. And this seems like a good way to vent, or express myself in a way that is somewhat socially exceptable. But my subject matter would be a proper intro to myself and my world.

I, I am Cody B. I was born in Prince albert saskatchewen(Where the plains meet the forest.)and i grew up all over the midwest provinces of albertatron and sask. This was mostly because of my mothers relationship issues, we started in p.a then athabasca, then whitecourt, then G.P(Hole in the fucking ground...) then red deer, then back to p.a, then to great ol Regina, then G.P(Fuck you city.) Then finally Vancouver, which is where i currently rein from.

I guess that was a brief look at my past. Now for my present. I moved to Vancouver in may to start writing at the Vancouver film school. So far it has been exhilerating. Ive met alot of cultured folks, and I think i'm coming along as a writer. Despite being (By far) the youngest member of the class, but I think my skill is up to par with the rest of the class. As for my living situation, well their seems to be a new person every month since ive come. This month especially(5 people have moved out due to some seriously random shit.) But that will sort itself out once i move to a more relaxed area. I'm also unemployed. I hope to change that soon before my funds run dry. I have alot of experience as a cook/dishwasher, but I hated it, but worse comes to worse I'll run with that...

I don't know exactly how a blog works. But to my understanding its somewhat like a journal...Except....online? If so i'll try to do that. Voice my opinion that seems to get mistranslated due to my rather mellow attitude. But this will put it straight! peace out audience.

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