Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My little spider buddy

today i was at work and i delivered to a house in kerrisdale for a client called Babylicious. I knocked on the door, and while I waited I looked around the door at the terrible paint job done to it and noticed a holy shit huge spider in the corner of the entrance. I was very frightened by this behemoth, So I knocked on the door and stood as far away from the spider as possible. Miss babylicious didnt answer so I put the items in the backyard and came back to the front door to put the invoice in the mailbox. While reaching in my pocket for a pen I realized I had a large ziplock bag that I had for a bunch of change that I brought to the bank earlier(27.50$ in pennies and dimes returned ahhh yea). So i took the ziplock bag and carefully knocked the spider out of its web. It fell in the bag with ease and I locked that shit up and continued with my deliveries.

After my shift was done and I had shown all my coworkers my amazing trapping skills, I decided to take my new spider buddy home with me as a pet. I looked in the bag and he looked very sad. He tried spinning a web but the ziplock bag was too soft and his web was destroyed, so he rolled up in a ball and layed sombre. I poked him through the bag and seen that he still had some life in him so i knew he could still make the ride home. I brought him in my car and thought of what I could do with him.. I couldn't expect this poor feller to live in my room without having free roam. And if he had free roam, he would probably try and crawl down my mouth like every other spider in existance(according to magazine articles, the average person eats 3 spiders while they sleep a week). So I let the fat basterd go in the parking lot. But While I said my good byes and apoligized, he just sat there laying in a semi ball stance. He was giving me the silent treatment. Then It came to my mind that i took him away from his home, and his 600000 children and brought him all the way across town to an unknown land...
I feel kinda bad about it...

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