Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The upstairs

This script idea is based off my current living situations and problems with my living situation...

Logline:A young professional bonds with his elderly landlady as she is abused by her obese crackhead son.

Thomas is a recent graduate from an engineering course. He moves into a small two basement suite with an old friend to save money until he pays off his loan. The house is in a really good neighborhood close to where he will be working. Unfortunately the first night he has trouble sleeping as the landlady living upstairs and her son have very loud arguments which often sound violent. Thomas barely gets any sleep that night so he goes to work the next day and discusses the problem with his co worker Gary. Gary tells him to stay the hell away from it and drink some tea or take sleeping pills if it happens every night. a couple nights later the two upstairs start fighting again. Thomas already took some sleeping pills but they don't work, so Thomas goes to the kitchen and dials 99 but his roomate, Henry, a very silent loner pothead tells him not to. If he calls the cops, nothing is going to happen. She's going to say nothing is happening and the yelling was over the dishes or something mundane like that. It's best to stay out of it, or smoke a shitload of weed and enjoy it. Thomas tries to go to sleep but he fails to get a decent nights rest and shows up an hour late for work.

At work Thomas discusses with Gary is house issues. Thomas doesn't want to move and he's reluctant to get involved, but feels kind of sorry for the old lady because it seems she is getting abused by her son. Gary suggests that if he really want to be a white knight, then he should talk to her about it. So that day Thomas goes and asks what is up with all the screaming. She(Theresa) makes up excuses, which Thomas shoots down when he quotes things he over heard. she finally comes out and says she is having issues with her son. Thomas is reluctant to ask why but asks if they could keep the volume down as he needs to work early. That night they fight, and he believes it's over him. He again does not get a good night sleep. After a day where he ingested 4 cups of coffee he comes home and sees the loser son has parked his car like a fucking idiot and blocked both spots. Thomas goes to the door and talks to Theresa and again asks them to keep quiet. Theresa apologizes sympathetically, but when Thomas asks if her son can move his vehicle the son comes into the picture. The son(Roy) is an over weight 6 foot 3 asshole crackhead. He instantly tells Thomas to fuck off and mind his own business. Thomas is pretty pissed off from this whole situation so he yells at Thomas about the whole incident. Roy gets pissed and threatens to beat him up, Theresa manages to sustain Thomas and gets him to go to his basement suite and promises him the arguing will be minimal. That night everything is silent. The next day Thomas has a decent day at work and meets a young flag girl named Randia. He talks with Randia and they get along quite well. At the end of the day Thomas asks Randia out on a date sometime next week. Randia accepts. That night when Thomas gets home he meets Theresa and meets her elderly dog. Theresa and Thomas talk and get to know each other. They both came from similiar pasts, both grew up in London at some point, both moved to Canada because of Family, and both stayed because of they loved it here. They also enjoy movies and they setup a movie day later that day.

I'm tired so I'll finish this off later off. Just so you know, this is probably the 1st act turning point.

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