Monday, August 29, 2011

Traffic laws

I'm just gonna display some facts of the road that seem to be ignored in this city. This is more or less an angry rant...

-If you wish to cross a crosswalk stand at the curb and wait for the drivers to acknowledge you. And if you wish to cross, then don't stand 4 feet away from the curb and wait for traffic to acknowledge you. This confuses drivers and is generally quite annoying.
-If you are going to cross at an intersection with the flashing green lights then do not cross if the lights are red. This is more often then not the only time a driver will be able to exit that road. If it's all clear then you're good to go. But be courteous. Nothing more annoying then getting an opportunity to get out of the intersection but a slew of ignorant pedestrians block your path.
-If you are waiting for the light to change please do not stand in the street. Even if it's in the gutter you are still at risk of getting hit by vehicles.
-If you wish to jaywalk, don't assume that every lane of traffic will stop for you. Take caution and take into account that what you are doing is illegal and that if drivers get mad at you, they have a right to.
-If a car is trying to get out of an alleyway and onto a busy road where a parking lane obstructs their view then try and walk behind the vehicle if they block off your path. sure it's annoying having a car block the road, but in certain alleyway exits it's impossible to get out of the alleway safely without causing this blockage. In my opinion, this is acceptable as it needs to be done.

-If you wish to cycle in a driving lane then do a reasonable speed. If you're struggling to get up a hill and there is a bike lane next to you, use the bike lane. Also, if you wish to bike in traffic lanes then you must respect the basic rules of car traffic. That means you shouldn't be passing vehicles in the same lane as them. Or failing to use signals. Or traveling into oncoming traffic. Or running red lights or going through pedestrian cross walks while people walk in front of you.
-If you wish to cycle on the roads, please wear a helmet. It is incredibly traumatic to see the effects of a head injury caused by vehicles and cyclists meeting. Especially when it could have been prevented.
-If you bike at night on the roads please make sure your bicycle and yourself are visible to the rest of the people on the road. That means having reflectors on the front and back of your vehicle and preferably a light on the front and back as well. I've seen more then a dozen cyclists get mad because they were nearly hit by a car that could not see them because of their lack of lights.
-Do not ride on sidewalks if they are busy or you plan to go fast. This is one of the biggest durps of cycling.
-If you are riding along the curb and you come up to an intersection where cars are turning right, you should go on the left of those cars so they can safely turn without hitting you. Again this applies to the rules of traffic, where if you were treating your bike as a vehicle, you would not be legally able to pass that car in the same lane.

-If you are making a left turn at a busy intersection where there is pedestrian traffic blocking your turn, don't turn into oncoming traffic and expect the pedestrians to move or wait until they have cleared. You become a sitting duck for oncoming traffic and are seen as an arrogant asshole from the pedestrians point of view.
-If you have just parked along a busy road, look out your mirror for traffic before swinging open your door.
-If you want to make a lane change or get out of a parrellel park, turn on your signal light. Even if there isn't room to make the lane change or time to get out of the spot this will let drivers know that you wish to exit or change lanes and if they are courteous driver they will let you in. Also, if you are getting out of a parellel parking spot and you do not have your signal light on then do not expect drivers to yield or give to shits about you. and if you have it on and you are not ready to leave, then shut that shit off.
-If you see people entering a vehicle in a parallel parking spot and you wish to take their space, do not wait behind them until they leave. You stall traffic, and you cause an inconvenience for the driver who now has to hurry up and get out of the spot to let your impatient ass in. If there is no spots, then keep on going until you see that signal light come on. and if the prick of a driver has that light on and isn't ready to get out of the spot, then honk at him until he shuts it off or gets out of the spot, since you are doing them a convenience by blocking traffic for them.
-If you are looking for a certain destination and are having troubles finding it, then pull over and find it on foot. If you stop at every block and have your eyes constantly on the sidewalk you have a very good chance of hitting something.
-In this city, and most major cities there are signs in some major intersections that have times setup where you cannot turn, or certain vehicles cannot go down certain roads. Obey these signs, as they are 100% properly labelled for the infrastructure of traffic to abide by.
-If you see a lane closure up ahead and you are in the lane that is open, don't change lanes and speed up to the end of the lane then get back in your old lane 3 cars ahead. If you do this, you are an asshole and you might be part of the cause of why some drivers are not very generous towards others.
-Respect buses and big trucks. big trucks are always going to be commercial vehicles and we all depend on them to get our goods and services to the places where they are sold. So be courteous if you see a bus trying to get into your lane, or a dump truck, or a moving van. As these vehicles have a disadvantage because they are bigger and much more difficult to drive then your econoshitbox. But if it's a motorhome, then they can fuck themselves for driving in an urban setting with such an impractical vehicle.
-Big rigs need large spaces to make sharp turns. So if you see a large truck turning and it needs you to move in order to safely turn, or your path is blocked because of this trucks turn, then be courteous and if you have the space, let them through. You have no idea how difficult it is to turn a big rig on a 2 lane grid road without hitting the curbs, and waiting for everything to be clear can sometimes be next to impossible.
-If you are towing something, make sure it's lights work before heading out on the highway... And make sure everything is SAFELY latched down.
-Don't speed in schoolzones while school in session. This is a pretty basic rule, yet it gets violated by almost everyone. young human beings don't have the understandings of us adults. They sometimes get carried away in their activities or they do not know how to judge the speeds of vehicles, or they like to fuck with drivers and run across the road while playing some crazy daredevil game....don't trust them.
-Slow down in construction zones as well. Sometimes the construction companies can only shut down so much space of the road, which leaves them very little room to work in. And they need to concentrate on their job before they concentrate on the traffic.
-If you are at a busy intersection and the light is red and you wish to turn right, do not pass the bold white line until pedestrian traffic is ENTIRELY gone. If you move up after the pedestrians beside you leave then you still have to wait for the ones coming from the other side of the road. These people probably deserve some of the biggest fuck you's from pedestrians, especially ones with strollers.
-If you are turning right at an intersection and there is an empty lane and you are driving a vehicle small enough to make that turn in that lane THEN GET IN THAT LANE. If you are still in the lane beside that lane or in the middle of both then you are an asshole and you deserve to be rear ended or your mirror ripped off.
-If you are driving down a busy grid road system where there is not a lot of turning lanes then it is fastest to stay in the middle lane and switch lanes one or two blocks from your destined turn. If you wish to stay in the right lane or the left lane and you switch lanes every time someone is turning then switch back into that lane and continue on for another 20 blocks... Then you're an asshole....
-If you do end up stuck behind one of these cars turning and you wish to change lanes make sure it's safe. Aggressive driving causes accidents, and if you're just gonna switch back into that lane to continue on then you're an asshole...
-If you are driving in a parking lot then follow the arrows. in almost every parking lot there is a one way direction built into the infrastructure of the parking lot. That means, it will work fluently if everyone obeys the one way rule. but if you disobey that and block the entire road or go down the wrong way, then you're an asshole.

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