Monday, August 16, 2010

Camp Josef

This is a low budget horror/thriller idea I've been inventing for awhile. I think I got the general plot down after a battle with writers block. here we go.

The story is called Camp Josef. Inspired by the Angel Of Death, Josef Mengele, a nazi officer known for doing human experimenting and being one of the most cinical people to ever live.

So, we start in Prince George B.C. 3 friends, Terrence Edelman, an outdoorsman and a bit of a douchey guy, but he will kill for his friends and his girlfriend, evne though he only has one friend, Ryan Canston, a quiet mellow fellow. Kind of like me, he get flustered when stuff goes un according to plan and makes brash decisions when this happens, but he is an avid hunter and so is Terrance. Terrance also has a girlfriend, Jewel, a blond bombshell who could be a model and be with any other guy in the world besides the obnoxious Terrance, but she loves him because he loves her, and he treats her like a woman should be treated. Jewel is also an enjoyer of the outdoors. Together these 3 decide to go hunting in a top secret place Terrance has chosen. Terrance heard about numerous bear sightings around an old abandoned Camp sight called Camp Josef. Ryan is half native so he can hunt anything on the land. So they head off, but Terrance gets a call from his mom and they go to her house to pick up Terrances nerdy little brother Keneth Edelman. Ken's an extremely timid young man who probably ways 100 pounds, he has little to say and he can't seem to stand up for himself, but Terrances mom treasures him because he is such a lonely guy. Ken asked his mom if he could go on one of Terrances weekend hunting trips so he could become a man by killing something. Terrance reluctantly accepts and takes Keneth along. Terrances mom is dying from lung cancer and she has a hole in her throat that she smokes out of. she's addicted, but doesn't have the willpower to stop. And i guess this personifies ont Keneth's weekness, he doesn't have the willpower to let himself be a bigger man, but he believes that if he proves himself.. to himself, then he can figure a way to cure his mom and to find a better life for himself and his mom.

Terrance brings the group to a small town called Bear Lake to get some supplies. Terrance asks about the town of Anzac and the old Camp Josef. The clerk warns them of the tough terrain to get out there and the wolves and Bears. Terrance smiles at this, he wants there to be rough terrain and Wolves. He drives a massive Ford Explorer with mudders and all the fancy offroading equipment. thye leave with there supplies to last a weekend. They take 2 hours to get to Camp Josef, which is an incredibly Erie desolate camp ground. a park Ranger patrols the area and warns them of the cutline roads and all of the animals. Ryan shows him his red card and The park ranger lets them go further down the road. They go for another 2 hours into the mountains, they begin to reach roads that haven't been maintained in 20 some odd years. They go down a cutline made in the 60's and set up camp right in the middle of the area. The next day they set out to hunt. Terrance kills a coyote bright and early to wake up everyone. They go out for the day and explore the area. During there endevors they find a strange rusted fence that seems to be 50 feet high and stretches around a 5 kilometer radius. They can faintly see with binoculars through the fence what looks to be an old house one kilometer in. They think it might have been an old military house built back in the cold war when American troups built a missile detection facility in the area to watch for russian rockets going over Canada. The place was abandoned and destroyed after the cold war though. Night falls and they return to camp, but Kenneth thinks he seen something beyond the fence. He goes during the night and climbs the fence at an area where a tree fell on the massive bardwire at the top. Kenneth immedietly gets blacked bagged when he hops over. He tries to scream but the guy who did it injects him with something and he falls down. This man is Berry Klehr, he is silent, he doesn't even talk. And he doesn't fuck around, and for some reason he wears hunting gear, as if he was another hunter similiar to the group of good guys.

The next day Terrence wakes up to find his little brother missing. Terrances freaks out and breaks some stuff, Jewel and Ryan calm him down. Terrance decides to make a scout party, he tells Ryan to stay at the camp with a walky talkie just in case Kenneth comes back, Jewel and Terrance say they will be back in 3 hours or less, if they aren't back, go find the park ranger, they don't need Ryan getting lost aswell.

So this is act 1. The first 30 pages.... Should be intense. I'll write out the 2nd and 3rd act in later entries. I'm really tired right now.

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