Saturday, July 17, 2010

Land Of The Living Skies

This is one of those spec scripts that I'm beating out in my imagination since I finished the second draft of The Getaway Driver. In a way this is a sequal to it, although the two main protagonists are different, the style and the themes are fairly similiar. So I've decided to write it out on my blog here, because that is what I do....

We start with two kids in Montana 1974, maybe 10 or 11, Josh and Brant. Josh is the slick talking ladies man who always has a plan, he uses every opportunity he can find and he enjoys the crime life more then anything else. Brant is the getaway driver for him, he's simple minded but nice, he doesn;t care about the money but he enjoys the rush. These two are best friends, Josh introduces Brant to the life of crime by first stealing a gumball machine using a go kart. Then it escalates to higher and higher crimes through their childhood. Josh constantly making plans and Brant enjoying the ride. Up until 1982 when they are both 17. Josh(Who I think would be Josh Halloway AKA Sawyer from Lost.) has an aching to cause the biggest crime, Murder and robbery. Brant is up for it aslong as it all goes smooth. Unfortunatly it all goes wrong when Josh chats it up with a teenaged mom outside the bank they just robbed. The cops show up the two book it a Pontiac Trans Am. Brant ends up getting in a car accident after outrunning the cops. The cops show up and Josh runs from the scene while Brant takes the fall for the crime. Brant goes to jail for 20 years for robbery and 2nd degree murder. When he gets out Josh is there with a cab. Josh brings him to a car dealership so he can repay him for going to prison for both of them. Brant understands and apoligizes. During the 20 years josh decided to sway away from crime and do the 9-5 thing. But after buying the car(A 2002 trans am.) They go to a Bank and Josh robs the place out of impulse. Brant is suprised and jets it. They end up in another cop chase, as it turns out Josh just seen the opportunity and took it. Josh suggests going to the boarder so Brant manages to get away from the police by causing a car accident with the help of Josh's fire arm skills and they end up crashing right over the boarder into the land of the living skies! Saskatchewen! They get there and think everything is alright so they stay at a hotel for the night. Meanwhile one of the cops who was chasing them is Sheriff Reynolds from The Getaway driver. He calls up his favorite bounty Hunter, now in his 50's, Rick Magresis, to come in and find the two that just robbed a bank and killed a person. But Rick is briefed that Josh has been doing something else for the last couple years(Illegal stuff.) Reynolds can't cross the boarders anymore so Rick goes for him.

Josh and Brent decide to hit the town while they wait for the heat to calm down. Josh ends up meeting Carey who is a small town girl who is way to book smart. Josh tries his moves but they don't work, but Carey goes for Brent because of his simple nature and his respect for the value of time of life. While Carey and Brent go and hang out in the hotel, Josh ends up robbing a convience store due to his drunken anger. He heads back to the hotel and gets Brent and Carey to take him away from the town. All 3 of them drive off into the darkness and head to the big city to hide, Carey says they can stay in her uncles house. They get there and by the first sight they enjoy what they see. As it turns out, Carey is quite the criminal aswell, or she wants to be. And her Uncle is a drug dealer and lets them stay the night. Rick shows up at the grocery store and talks to the grocery store clerk and finds out about the trans am. He then goes to the bartender and learns of Carey. He learns of her last name and starts looking around town. But when he hears from the hotel clerk that they left in a hurry he looks up names around the province and learns of the uncle and heads to town.

He gets to the uncles house and knocks on the door. Josh, Carey and Brent runaway and Rick goes on a chase through the city. Rick causes them to crash and Josh,Carey and Brent split up. Brent and Carey steal a new car and Josh ends up in house party hiding. He finds a girl and starts hiting on her. Brent and Carey are chased by local police after striking a lightpost once Carey starts giving Brent some sort of sexual pleasure. Josh ends up sleeping with this under age teen and ends up getting a gun pulled on him by the chicks father in the morning. He ends up outpowering the father and stealing his truck, but he can barely drive it. but he ends up putting out of town. Carey convinces Brent to get out of the country and back to montana to get away from josh. Brent tries for the idea but experiences thr boarder patrol and turns around. Rick manages to find Brent and they go on a wicked car chase through the desert area known as Cyprus Hills. Brent ends up crashing after letting Carey go. Josh decides to head back to town to find his old friend.

Brent is captured by Rick and questioned, after realizing that Josh is the only reason he is this much shit Rick decides to let him go if he can only catch Josh. Brent doesn't respond to this setup. bur he gets a hold Josh through a cell phone that he gave him after he got out of jail. Brent ends up meeting josh back in town and the cops show up. Brent leaves josh and heads off, Josh ends up in jail and realizes the faults in his ways....

This is all pretty loose, but most of scripts I work out during the script process.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


So... My life has turned into work and movies. That's about it. On the writing scale I've started 3 features that I'm slowly picking at every now and then. But this post will be dedicated to the thousands of movies I've watched in the last couple weeks. Here is some brief reviews and such, nothing serious.
I'm currently watching Garden State-I wasn't expecting much going into this but like all of the movies I've recently bought, it only costed 2$. This movie is kinda pretentious and it's not very funny. But the story is relevant to my interests because it reminds me of a script I began and sadly lost when my Flashdrive dissapeared. So, it gets a 7.5/10
Desperado-I'm a fan of Rodriguez, but I've only seen a couple of his flicks. And if I ever want to get the Getaway driver(In what could possibly be 10 or 20 years) then I should get to know mister Rodriguez's style. And wow, I hit the nail on this one. Desperado was a bit too surreal and outrageous compared to the Getaway Driver, but the action is pretty friggen badass. Tons of gun violence, tons of explosions and tons of badassery. If only it had a bit more of a plot then it would be solid.-8/10
Videodrome-I've never seen a REAL Cronenberg flick(History of Violence seemed too accesible for me to compare with the likes of this.) And I really wanted to get into his stuff because he is one of few famous Canadian directors. Well, Videodrome is on some next level WTF. I was a bit thrown off by the entire plot, but jesus, this is some unique shit. It's definetly a strange and haunting movie. Might have been one of the only movies to make me ask "What the fuck is wrong with this movie?!!?" But then James Wood put a gun in his stomache and it dissapeared, that's when I stopped blinking. True art right here, well, horror art. I want one of those breathing TV's, would be so friggen awesome.-9/10
The Descent-Didn't expect much. I recieved more then I bargained for. Not only was it a decent thrill ride, but it had some amazing cinematography and shots. The ending left me puzzled, until I read a forum post that explained that the main character(The woman who lost her husband at the start) was going insane and the monsters were fake and she killed all her friends during her "Descent" into madness. But it was an ambigious ending, so she could have escaped... Still, I'm looking forward to Neil Marshal's next flick Centurion. -9/10
Blazing Saddles-The best Parody movie i think I've ever seen. I again didn't expect this much from a parody flick about westerns. But oh man, I think i'm going to use qoutes from this movie forever- Piss on you, I'm working for Mel Brooks!, Where the white woman at?, Stop standing around like a bunch of Kansas City faggots, Mongo only pawn... In game of life. Somebody's gotta go back and get a shitload of dimes!-9.5/10
Primer-I was told it was confusing and I shouldn't expect much from it. But I wanted to see it just to say I've seen it. I ended up buying it for 2$ and I watched it half assed like(similiar to how i'm watching Garden State right now.) I didn't understand anything in the movie. I honestly think this is half because of a shitload of exposition, and second is because of the reason stated above.-5/10 After a second viewing it might rise...
A Clockwork Orange- I was anticipating watching this one for a very long time. I've never seen it at any stores and I was told it was banned(Which was true back in the olden days.) The first 20 minutes made me aware that this might be one of the best films ever made. Some of the scenes in this flick made me think of just how much probably went into this film and how much time and effort went into every shot. Jesus Kubrick, you are a god among fools. 10/10
Elephant-I was told about the amount of patience one must have to watch this flick, and holy shit. The plot could have been put into an episode of Degrassi. But that is not why this movie is beyond epic. It's the style and atmosphere. To be honest, this might be the first movie that made me feel like I was IN that school. Ultimate Voyerism. Definetly going to check out more Gus Van Sant because he has an awesome style that I apreciate. His writing is a bit overdone with metaphors and shit that seems to come from nowhere(Like the guys kissing in the shower and why exactly these two kids are shooting up a school?)Still, one takes of people walking down a hallway is so oddly enticing. 9/10
Deliverance-I watched this and The Descent shortly after a canoe trip... I really should have watched them before hand. But anyways, Deliverance has some amazing items involved in it. It makes me fear rednecks and rivers. Burt Reynolds is badass and jon Voight looks good with a stach. and rape looks painful. 9.5/10

I still have a shitton of movies to get through-The Exorcist, BrokeBack Mountain, Magnolia, The Good The Bad And The Ugly, Patton, Raging Bull, Gosford Park, The Prestige, For a Few Dollars More, Zodiac, It's a Wonderful Life, Revolver, Edward Scissor Hands, The Meaning of life, Apocolypto, The Forbidden Kingdom, The Bourne Ultimatum, The Fifth Element, Transformers 2(I don't know why, but I bought it for 2$...), Hostage(The Bruce Willis one.) And I Heart Huckabees, which I'm watching now.